Friday, January 1, 2010

Hemlock gives Xer her pick of the practice staves Yola and Sasha have been using to beat the militia into shape, and then Sasha takes her to Vernah’s Fine Clothes. The shop’s owner, Rynshinn, takes Xer’s measurements and promises to have three outfits ready for her within one week, though Xer will probably need to stop by a couple days before that for a final fitting. Because she is a friend of Sasha’s (both town hero and satisfied customer), Rynshinn only charges 15 for the two leather outfits, and another 30 for the dress, which she promises will be very fine.

The two meet up with Malvick and Yola at the town limits. Ariva paces anxiously about, eager to begin the journey. Less eager are Maester Grump, who looks like he has already found an alehouse to build up courage for the trip, and the two town guards that Hemlock has sent along to round out the group. Weasel waves glumly at Sasha as she approaches, and Wertz leans idly on his shield, looking bored as usual.

About three dozen farms dot the countryside around Sandpoint. The Hambley farm is one of the furthest out – about six miles away across the Soggy River. It is nestled at the western edge of the Whisper Wood, which Malvick reports is said to be home to capricious gnomes and fey, though he personally has never seen and such creatures.

The day is unusually warm for this late into autumn, and flies and locust begin to buzz about as the sun climbs higher. Grump grows steadily jumpier as the group crosses the Soggy River. At one point he curses loudly and stumbles as Ariva crosses his path. “Gods damned mutt! Ranger,” he calls to Malvick. “If you’re fond of that hound you should send it back home. I told you, them scarecrows ate the last dogs we went in with.”

Before midday the group stops outside the cornfields of the Hambley farm. The footpath they have been travelling on disappears into the field, the tall stalked plants turning the dusty trail into an oppressive tunnel. At its entrance, hanging from a wooden cross, is a scarecrow. Grump lets out a whimper and steps behind Wertz. The watchmen already have their weapons drawn, obviously unnerved by the farmer’s obvious fear.

Without a word Sasha steps forward and unslings her short bow. She calmly notches an arrow and lets it fly across the sixty or so feet between her and the scarecrow. The shaft strikes it with a dull straw muffled thud. She shoulders her bow, glares at the two watchmen, and says, “Well c’mon then.”

Talking to Grump earlier, the party knows that the Hambley farmhouse and barn are located centre west of the property. You are entering the northern edge, east of centre. Crade Hambley was a crotchety old miser, Grump reports, and the cornfields surround the buildings on all sides, turning every available piece of land to a profit. To reach the buildings the party will have to head both west and south of their entry point. Shortly after entering, the footpath splits to the four compass points. You will have to pick a direction to continue – south, west, or east. Grump becomes more fearful and incoherent with each step. North leads back out. Of course you can always decide to cut straight southwest through the densely planted cornstalks….


Anonymous said...

South sounds like a plan for me what do you guys think?

Malvick said...

"Well, I would prefer to stick to the path for now. If there is something here it would be nice to at least have a chance of catching a glimpse of whatever it is. Cutting through the field may give this 'thing' an advantage."

Malvick snaps his fingers and makes a sign at Ariva, who immediately goes tense, moving forward and taking in everything.

"We have to go quite a bit south at least so let's take this southern route. It's the surest bet we have unless Grump can suggest better."

ooc: Malvick now has his bow in hand, and is moving while using listen, spot and survival to look for any tracks or signs of anything unusual along the path. With a party member back in Sandpoint he has prepared Animal Messenger as his spell.

deres said...

Sasha looks at Yola and shrugs. "Well that Scarecrow won't be bothering us for sometime."

Eitherway is good but we're guessing 'scarecrows' are going to come after us.

"I agree with Xer."

Sasha flashes her a quick smile and a mischievous smile.

"Maybe a romp through the fields could be fun."

Sasha nocks another arrow.

"If we start acting like we're scared of every scarecrow out in the country we're not going to get far. Also, if whatever is out there is counting on us to be terrified it's also smart enough to be watching the paths that skirt around it those areas."

Scanning up ahead. Sasha looks over her back towards sandpoint.

"Besides, last time I recall, we shouldn't be worried about finding it - it should be worried about finding us."