Sunday, December 27, 2009

The owner of the Rusty Dragon, Amieko Kaijitsu, is only too happy to find rooms for Xer and Malvick, and being a retired adventurer herself, doesn't even batt an eye at having Ariva stay with the ranger.

First light comes all too early for Sasha, and she swears she had only closed her eyes a momment beofre Yola is pounding on her door.  She doesn't feel much better after the three have a large breakfast of eggs, pork and cheese in the inn's common room.  As they walk over to the garrison, she looks over at Xer, who seems none the worse for ware.  "And how is it you are so chipper this morning Xer?"

The monk looks at her friend, doing her best to appear solemn.  "Sasha, Irori teaches that moderation in all things is the path to self perfection." 

Yola stifles a laugh, and Sasha wheels on her. "You know," she yells, then winces at the volume of her own voice.   She starts again, quieter.  "You know, if you hadn't saved my life yesterday, I'd swat you right about now.  What could be so important that your uncle couldn't have waited another couple of hours to see us."

As they round the bend they see most of Sandpoint's dozen full time militia already marshalling outside the garrison.  "Oh right,"  she answers herself.  "Crazy murderer and walking scarecrows..."

They approach the door and an older man in a wide brimmed hat who had been napping against the side of the building looks up, then springs to his feet.  "Ah Xer, there you are.  Running a little behind this morning are we?  Well come now, mustn't keep the sherrif waiting.  Have you perused this quaint little town's market yet?  Amazing what passes for art these days.  Why look at this ghastly little curio I picked up this morning."  Li Kao produces a small jade lizard statuette from his robe and shows it to Xer while the others look on in bemusement.

"Uh, who's your friend?"  whispers Malvick.

"Li Kao!"  Xer exclaims in exsaperation, pushing the statue aside.  "Where were you?  I told you to meet at the Rusty Dragon." 

"Oh the Rusty Dragon.  I thought you said the Lusty Dragon.  Well that explains a great many of the reactions I got last night from the young ladies I asked for directions."  Li Kao winks at his apprentice and skips inside.

* * *

Hemlock listens to the party's reports on their investigation yesterday, then outlines the problem at hand.  "Something is happening in the farmlands south of here.  It may be exagerated, but we can't ignore farmer Grump's report.   People are dying down there and we have to help them.  But, our own streets are being stalked by a madman.  Sandpoint has 14 full militia.  The five of you bring our strength up nineteen.  I need at least twelve swords, plus myself and Vachedi, here in town to maintain order and have a decent chance of catching the murderer.  Which means I can send seven people to investigate the southern farmsteads.  Farmer Grump has  . . . reluctantly agreed to do his civic duty and guide the group back to the Hambley farm.

"I don't know what to expect out there.  Malvick, you're most familiar with that area, so I'd ask you to lead the group south.  I'll leave the decision of who to take up to you.

* * *

In short, Hemlock is asking for volunteers to investigate the Hambley farm.  You can take any combination of PCs and militia totalling up to 7.  Anybody not going can stay in town and continue to investigate the murder.


deres said...

Sasha rubs her temples soothingly. "Everything in moderation: including moderation." she retorts with a false smile.

Shielding her eyes as she walks over to Hemlock's Sasha keeps an eye on Xer. It was good to see her again. It felt: right.

There had been times in days before Xer's arrival where Sasha had been worried. Yola, could sense the tension and tell when Sasha grinded her teeth. Xer could have changed in a thousand different ways which would have terminater their friendship and their memories.

In the end: it hadn't happened.

Her father always said, "don't worry about the shark that might be in the water. Worry about the shark that IS in the water."

Yola strode out in front and it seemed to Sasha the barbarian was getting more confident and stronger every day.

Ironically, Sasha felt just the opposite.

After making introductions Hemlock asked for volunteers and the gears (somewhat drier now) in Sasha's head turned. Her first inclination was to go and help the farmers. It would put her 'suitor' far away. It might give the people of Sandpoint some breathing room.

On the other hand not facing her 'suitor' and not 'beating him within an inch of his life and then two inches more' didn't sit with her either.

She could remember her father's words. The way he touched her shoulder. There would be nights when she couldn't sleep as she would be stricken with worry. When he was home she would wake him and they would talk. He never once complained or hit her for being nusiance.

Looking at Xer and then at Yola and Hemlock she could hear her father's words, "worry about the shark that IS in the water."

"I'll go to the country side. If my 'suitor' wishes to get my attention he'll have to leave the city. If that's the case it might buy the people here a little more time and drag him out of his element. The best way to catch a shark is to drag it out of the water."

Wincing Sasha rubbed her temples again. "Next time ... I go to the city."

Anonymous said...


Looks at Sasha, rubbing her temples, probably out in the country would be better than in the city, some fresh air might due her some good.

And me too, Yola sighs inwards, being in the city is just too confinding, I need to get out and breath the air, and sleep under the stars.

Yola turns to Hemlock, I'll be going out to the farm as well, uncle, the recruits here are about the best I and Sasha can get them, plus if something is happening out at the countryside then the city can't get it's produce, and the farmers can't sell. Best to get one situation straighten out.

Once we've all decided who's coming we better get our provisions.


Anonymous said...

Xer throws Hemlock a sly wink. "Where Sasha goes I follow. I have let her out of my sight for a bit too long I can see. She has forgotten how to drink and looks a bit worse for wear. I will sort her out sooner than later."

Frowning a bit she looks at Sasha. "What is this about a suitor are you going soft on me and thinking of settling down?"

Malvick said...

Three out of four wasn't bad, thought Malvick, looking over at Li Kao. This man was still a bit of a mystery. Through the years Malvick knew surface appearances weren't always telling of an adventurer. Who knew if the wine and mellow outlook was all there was to this man.

"Li Kao? What will it be for you?"

deres said...

Sasha winces "It's nothing like ... I was being sarcastic. I'll fill you in once we get going."

Xer opens her mouth and raises a finger as she always does before saking something embrassing. "No, it's not like the time with Daverian."

"What about ..." Xer says.

"No, not like Maltheias either or Kashal, or Vendel."

Xer cocked her head to one side. Sasha leaned in and ruffled her hair.

"No! Not them either. Xer, I had too much wine. We will talk about it later. Besides, if I settle down who will bail your ass out of trouble."

Sasha raises an eyebrow and flashes her a wry grin. "I'm glad your back" she says softly and ruffles her hair again.

Sasha says playfully

Anonymous said...

“Are we going to have a little bit of time before we set out as I think I want to do some shopping? Since I am no longer in the order there is no reason to dress like I am still there. Want to come shopping with me Sasha I might even get you something pretty. “

I want to buy a staff then I want to go shopping for some cloths. Time to stop dressing like a boy and dress more like a woman; it might also help change how I look a bit.

A leather worker will be my first stop. I want two doe skin leather outfits. One set I want open down both sides secures with cross ties skin tight but free movement with a plunging neckline top. The outfit must have some spots to hold my throwing stars but not much else. The other leather outfits should be skin tight as well with spots for the throwing stars, but I want it to cover everything. I will also want two sets of foot gear probably going to be custom work.

Next stop is a dress maker I want some things made out of silk as it is easier to store and carry. One dress in case I run into formal occasions and a couple of custom outfits that I can wear around. I am looking for mostly blacks, greys in everything except for the formal dress.

Sizing can be done now, but I won’t have time to stick around for them to make it. I will pay extra to get it done sooner than later. I figure all around it should take me maybe an hour. I am going to start letting my hair grow out instead of the short cut that I am accustomed to. I might as well change appearance in case someone tries to blame me for what happened back home.

James said...

Li Kao roused himself from his meditations while he listened to the rest of the party decide their next course of actions. He noticed Malvick sizing him up and trying to discern his nature. Li Kao found himself to be allergic to scrutiny and would always sneeze and scratch his butt at the same time, which he proceeded to do now.
"Well looks like Farmer Grump will be in good hands. I think I'll stay behind and keep poking my nose around if that's okay with you Hemlock. I just got here and all this running around isn't good for my laziness."

OoC: Li Kao will remain behind in town and proceed with his investigations. He would like to pick Father Zantus' brain on the case and the Thassilon connection, using his Colombo Combo (sense motive/diplomacy)
after that he'd like to go over the crime scene himself and soak up the attitudes and opinions of the locals by doing some "investigative drinking" at the Rusty Dragon and other local gossip centers.

Anonymous said...

"Li Kao I know you old man please try to stay out of trouble and don't get yourself killed I am a bit attached to you." giving him a hard glance. "Try not to drink too much it isn't good for your health and I don't want you embarrassing me."

Shifting her gaze to looking back over at Hemlock. "One other question did the person carve them up before they died or after?"

Greg Stewart said...

Malvick, who has investigated the crime scene the most, answers for Hemlock. "Both I'd wager. Looks like Banny was restrained by being impaled on the logging hooks, and the shock and loss of blood from those wounds is probably what killed him, but not before the star was carved into his chest." He pauses and swallows uncomfortably before continuing. "His face and jaw were removed after he died though."

deres said...

Sasha's eyes go wide listening to 'lil' Xer's requirements. If anything Sasha envisioned a starving shark watching a ship filled with sailors sink in front of it.

"Don't ever threaten to get me something 'pretty.' Or the next time you you'll be as bald as a baby."

Sasha smirks and taking a mental note. "If we are going to get you even half of those things we need to move fast. This isn't the city and while I know a few people there's only so many favors that can be called in."

Biting her lower lip Sasha had an idea of where to get most of the things. Some of the nicer ones involved going to the part of town she tried hard to avoid. Well spoken people and those of means always made her edgey. It was if they always thought they were better than her and she was inclined to agree.

"I could also use a new tunic something a bit darker with a hood. As for custom work we will see what we can do."

Sasha turns to Yola and smiles brightly. "Want to come along. Xer, doesn't want to be a boy anymore it could be fun!" Sasha says with a fake smile that's so bright and cheery she can see the men in the room wince.

wake up you You really have thought about this. A lot. You want a 'dress'." Sasha almost choked on the word.

"Sure, I mean, I know people in town and if that's whant

Anonymous said...

"The dress is more for formal occasions with you getting all these guys I figured it might also be useful for a free drink or two sometimes." Xer with a big smile on her face and a knowing look.

"Nothing like what the other outfits are going to do. Why not have guys running down the street to have a look and even better of one gets fresh and I get to throw him around a bit. Show him that women are not his play things. Dressed like that I am sure people who have known me for years would have not a clue who they are looking at."

With a wave of her arm she continues. “Let’s get moving I am sure these guys are eager to get moving and I don’t want to keep them waiting too long. Hmm a new tunic for you maybe a bit of makeup for your eyes I have wondered what you would look like all girly.” She lets out a throaty laugh “You with that whip so funny to see who would turn up anyway.”

Anonymous said...

Yola turns to Sasha and Xer, I've got to get some provisions as well, so I'll go with you - but no dresses for me - got that!


James said...

Li Kao scratched his shorn head and 'harumphed' over-hearing Sasha and Xer's conversation.
Li Kao knew that Xer was feeling deeply betrayed by the temple and wondered if she was straying from the path of Irori as a way of asserting control. Or it could simply be the new influence of her roguish friend, who's desires and emotions seemed to change erratically like a leaf caught in the wind.
Li Kao calmed his mind and released his judgements. He knew Xer would choose her own path but wondered where it would lead. As mentor he would nudge her to keep Irori in her mind.
Whack! Li Kao snapped his bamboo stick against his palm.
"2 leather outfits, shoes, silk dresses! Bah! Irori teaches perfection through humility and frugality. You forget your lessons Cricket!"
Li Kao hobbled out of Hemlock's leaving the rest of the party to make their plans.

Malvick said...

Malvick jogged quickly to catch up with Li before he took off from the rest of the group.

"Hello Li Kao. Malvick, good to meet 'ya," he extended his hand for a handshake. "If you are looking into some of the history of this place please take this into consideration." Malvick handed Li a piece of paper with a sketch on it. "This is my attempt at copying the star necklace that Sasha has in her possession. It's been on all the victims... it has to be the keystone to all this. Good luck."

James said...

"ah yes mhmm...very accurate sketch, u see you have an artists hand.". Li Kao looked over Malvick's drawing.
"this matches the diagram in Mr.Quint's book.". Li Kao whispered in a hoarse wine soaked voice, "seeing as there haven't been any Thassilonian mages about for thousands of years I believe our killer is a scholar of such things. An educated man. This is troubling as it means he is intelligent, cunning, meticulous. Be careful out in the countryside Malvick. Let's not underestimate our foe."
Li Kao rummaged about in his burlap sack, withdrew various items and handed them to Malvick.
"here, here take these. 2 vials of anti-toxin, a scroll to remove a man's fear, might come in handy and some quills and parchment. If you come across anything you feel significant, carvings or what not, sketch them for me so I may study them when you return. Good luck young man."