Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Malvick leads the way south, deep into the fields of over-ripe corn. The path is narrow and the tall stalks completely obscure line of sight. After about 150 feet the group hears a grunting and panting, followed by the creaking of wood .

“There!” yells Xer, pointing up. Thirty feet ahead on either side of the trail are two tall wooden crosses. Atop them, suspended above the corn are a pair of scarecrows. They struggle and strain against their rope bonds violently. They howl and scream. Maddened eyes glare from beneath stain burlap. Farmer Grump begins to weep and stumble backwards.

Malvick moves quickly, loosing an arrow at the closest creature as it tears one of its arms free of its bonds, striking it in the chest. Malvick’s second shot lands close to the first and the thing’s shrieking stops abruptly as it slumps forward against the ropes.

The other scarecrow tears free of its bonds and drops into the corn. The leaves rustle as the thing tears straight for Malvick as he reaches for another arrow. Suddenly, Xer slips through the narrow gap between him and Ariva and launches a flying kick straight at the charging monster she knocks it back and drives her palms into the things covered face repeatedly, knocking the mask from its face and dropping to the ground, where it lays unmoving.

“Well,” she says, smiling back at her companions as she dusts herself off and flexes he fingers. “That was easy.” Her smile freezes on her face as from the distance an answering scream erupts, then another, and another. The party hears the sound of ropes snapping and tearing from all around them, and in moments the fields are alive with rustling from all directions.

Grump whimpers and whirls around in a panic. “Oh gods! They’re coming… RUN!”

The path ahead branches south east and south west at the point where the two living scarecrows were erected.


Anonymous said...


Mutters under her breath - Great, stuck in a cornfield with mad scarecrows.

Quickly everyone in a circle, backs to each other let's face them here! Father Grump in the circle - and hide if you want old man.

Mal and Sasha start with the arrows, those that come through I and Xer will get them up close.

Yola at the ready with the sword


deres said...

"On it!" Sasha yell out. Taking three arros from her quiver she sticks them into the ground ready to be snatched at a moments notice.

Nocking an arrow she listens to the closest rustling and scream and gets her barings.

Sasha bites her lower lip. She had spent most of her youth street-fighting with Xer in situations far worse than this.

Now, this would be a piece of cake.

A scream went up as the sound of rustling grew nearer.

OOC: Sasha knows enough about street fighting that anything can be used as a buffer between the clothing for make-shift armour. Instead she will try and aim for the things head.

Malvick said...

Malvick gets to one knee, unsheathes his short sword and places it at his feet. "Ariva, ready, kill." Ariva bares her teeth, puts her head low and all of a sudden becomes Cerberus himself. They wait. Malvick tries to guess how many there are based on the sounds in the corn field. Maybe he will get a few good shots in based on the movement of the husks around them before these scarecrows get to the path. He looked like a man made of cold iron - and this time he had a group behind him.

Malvick said...

Malvick says to the group, "If we get a chance we can slowly make it south west towards the building. If it's not taken by anything we could use it to our advantage."

Anonymous said...

Yola on the alert for anything -

Sounds good Mal, if we can move, let's move it quietly.
