Sunday, January 9, 2011

What Next?

Malvick drinks the offered healing potion and dons Ironbriar's chain shirt instead of his own battered leather cuirass.  (+12 hp, +1 AC).

The 13 skinsaw masks radiate faint necromancy.  They grant a +2 bonus to detect creatures that are capable of feeling fear, and grant a +1 bonus to damage with slashing weapons.  Li Kao warns that any items dedicated to the god of murder and secrets probably has some hidden cost embedded in in its use. 

Ironbriar's mask radiates a moderate enchantment aura.  It appears to be made of a single long strip of pliant human skin stitched into a widening spiral by black thread.  Gaps between the stitching allow the wearer to breath and see through the unsettling mask.  It functions identically to the lesser skinsaw masks but also allows the user to cast confusion twice per day.

Ironbriar's war razor bears the same enchantment as Aldern's ( +1 to hit and dmg)

The spell book contains over a dozen spells of lvl 1-3.  The journal will take several days of study to decode the cypher.

After talking quietly amongst themselves for some moments it becomes apparent that they are split over their next course of action.  Malvick  recounts the tale of his capture at the clock tower and it becomes apparent that Ironbriar, while being the leader of this cult of murderers, was just yet another pawn.  The woman known to both Aldern and Ironbriar as Wanton of Natures Pagan Forms has been manipulating them both.

Malvick is all in favour of returning to the clock tower to confront her, or using the pigeons to send her a message to try and lure her out of the tower.  Whichever, Malvick points out that they need to act fast before she realizes Ironbriar has been neutralized.

Xer believes the ship bearing the infected rats that Aldern sold to the Brothers of Seven is the greater threat.  She points out that they have just wiped out what is probably this mysterious woman's entire organization.  While confronting her to get their own revenge would be satisfying, the suffering those rats could cause elsewhere far outweighs it.

Sasha is torn.  On one hand she deeply craves vengeance against the mastermind behind all the suffering she has seen these last few weeks. On the other she feels the tugging of family loyalty and wants to make sure her brother - the captain of the plague-bearing ship, is okay.

Li Kao and Yola have so far remained quiet on the debate.


James said...

Li Kao begins piling the 13 masks together, preparing to burn them. "I will not force my ideals on any of you but I counsel not to use these tainted items...I will burn them if no one protests."
Li Kao then slips the spellbook and coded text into his shoulder sack for later study.
"I do not believe we can strike this mysterious woman quickly enough considering our present exhaustion. The plague ship could cause great suffering and should be our priority. Sea travel is unpredictable and dependant on the weather. If we leave immediately we may be able to beat it to it's destination by land. The trip would allow us to rest and I could begin deciphering this text. It would then be a matter of formulating a plan to attack the ship as it docks."
Li Kao then squats down, uncorks his gourd and takes a deep, fortifying swig.
"that's my advice but I am old and drunk, and often choose the path that let's me sleep and drink. This adventuring is a young person's proffesion. I will back whatever choice you young ones make."
Li Kao felt all his old adventures wash over his memory and realized he was now handing the reins over to the next generation; to his pupil Xer and her motley crew of friends. He wondered how much longer he'd be able to keep pace with them. How much time Iori would grant Li Kao for foolish expeditions before recalling him to eternal mediation.

Greg Stewart said...

For some perspective, refer to the last map on the Maps of the World page. The Red Gull was bound for Korvosa, Malvick's home town, which is along the southern coast in the far right hand side of the map. By ocean it takes about four days. By river/land, about three times that.

Note also that if you chartered a ship first thing in the morning and departed immediatley, The Red gull would have exactly a one day head start. It is extremely unlikely you could get to Korvosa before them, but you wouldn't be that far behind.

Anonymous said...


I agree that going to catch the ship with the infested rats seems to be the right way to go. Plus when we get there Malvick and Ariva know the layout of the city, that is in our favor.
What say you Sasha, it is after all your brother and father that we will be helping, (under her breath, or bringing to justice)


Sasha said...

Sasha nods. "We go after the plague ship. The misery they will bring will be far worse then anything we have seen here."

Sasha watches the masks burn. My brothers may need me or they may need to be brought to justice.

Either way. Whatever resides her will wait. Should we thwart in this they it will take them a while to realize what has happened and by then we will be back in their doorsteps and in their shadows before they even knew we were missing.

Xerlena said...

I wonder if we can find a ship faster than your brothers or a captain crazy enough and willing to push hard enough to catch up or pass them?

Malvick said...

"Stopping IronBriar here and getting in the way of this delivery may pull this mystery woman out of hiding anyways and may bring her far from her comfort zone if she leaves her stronghold to investigate. I'll know the area but may have to keep my head down. I left the city on very poor terms."

Malvick said...

"...and we need to burn a body or two and stage my death. She needs to think I'm dead. Can someone help me stage a murder scene?"

James said...

"Sasha, you'll know your way around the docks better than anyone, take Yola as added muscle and make arrangements for our departure on the next ship out. Xer, head back to the inn and get our things in order. Malvick and I will set the stage here for his murder and then we will all meet up at the inn and see where we stand. All of us try to remain as cloaked and forgettable as possible, the fewer witnesses of our prescence here and our hasty departure the better."
Li Kao will use his investigation skill in reverse to methodically make it appear as if the ritual sacrifice had been successful. Assuming it will not be possible to cover the signs of battle, Li Kao focuses on making it look as if Malvick had been killed just before the heros showed up.