Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The party agrees that travelling to Korvosa in pursuit of the Red Gull and its cargo of plague rats is the right thing to do.  How much trouble can the woman in the clock tower get up to while they are away anyway?

Once the decision is made, Li Kao gets the group moving.  "Sasha, you'll know your way around the docks better than anyone, take Yola as added muscle and make arrangements for our departure on the next ship out. Xer, head back to the inn and get our things in order. Malvick and I will set the stage here for his murder and then we will all meet up at the inn and see where we stand. All of us try to remain as cloaked and forgettable as possible, the fewer witnesses of our presence here and our hasty departure the better."

Li Kao and Malvick select the cultist closest in build to Malvick, and the two set about the grim task of methodically making it appear as if the ritual sacrifice had been successful. Assuming it will not be possible to cover the signs of battle, Li Kao focuses on making it look as if Malvick had been killed just before the heroes showed up.  Then the two slip out into the night, waiting for the slaughter house scene to be discovered.

At first light Sasha and Yola head down to the harbour and arrange passage on the fastest vessel departing that morning they can find that will accept passengers - a light cargo hauler out of Riddleport named the Direption.

The party sets sail straight away.  After talking to the captain it becomes apparent that there will not be a chance to catch the Red Gull at sea.  The Direption's captain knows the other vessel, saying that the ship is known for its speed and her captain for being precise in his navigation ( likely why the Brothers chose her as their courier).  He does expect that they will be able to make up some time on her though, as the Direption runs with more sail than the Red Gull, and the winds look strong.

During the trip, Li Kao copies many spells from the new spell book into his own (blink, cat's grace, fox's cunning, grease, haste, mage armor, shrink item, spider climb, web).  More importantly, he cracks Ironbriar's cypher and decodes his journal.  If he wasn't already dead, there is enough evidence in the journal to put Ironbriar in the gallows.  It also makes it clear that he had had his heart stolen by the Wanton of Nature's Pagan Forms.  There is very little detail on her in the journal, but he does note that "his dark haired muse" has shown him new ways to kill, directing him and his cult to victim after victim, and that he vistited her on at least a dozen occasions at the old clocktower)

The trip is tense for all.  Malvick, returning to the city of his birth, haunted by the faces of dead comrades; Sasha struggling with her loyalties to a family long since estranged; Xer, with no family of her own, trying to uphold the codes of a faith that turned its back on her: Yola sailing farther away from the rolling plains than any of her tribe ever had; and Li Kao, unsure that his faltering light will be bright enough to shepherd these younger souls through the dangers ahead.

After three and a half days at sea, the Direption sails under the watchful cannons of the Korvosan Guard and into the harbour of the city of the Crimson Throne less than twelve hours behind the Red Gull...

If there is anything else your characters want to do either before leaving Magnimar or while on the Direption, post it here.  Also, feel free to discuss you plans for what to do once you disembark.  Otherwise, I'll be posting the next installment sometime this weekend.


Sasha said...

Sasha was restless on the ship. The admired its speed and grace. It wasn't in the same graces as the Red Gull but it had character and a crew which seemed more than competent.

"Watching thinking about Miss?" One of the crew hands asked her. "Nothing much. Chasing my brothers, remembering my father."

"You come from a sea-faring family?"

Sasha smiled warmly and turned to him. He was young and hardy. His muscles had started to come into their own and judging by his tan she could tell he was new to the ocean.

Sasha, stretched her arms and noticed his eyes go wide as he looked down at her hip. "Sorry, to bother you Miss."

The young man's voice had become dark and his demeanor curt. As he walked away Sasha looked down to seeing her father's whip.

It was then she noticed the large scars that web-worked across his back. Confused, she went to follow him but Xer's waved her over to the other side of the ship and she followed more content to be lost in her friends 'distractions'.


The ship settled into dock and after a few inquiries the Captain returned with news about the Gull.

"Great, they've had a less than twelve hours which means the crew is either: working, drinking or recovering in the local jail from working on their drinking. Usually a crew gets a day or two to unwind and secure the contracts. My brother also doesn't know where looking for his lily-white-water-logged-fancy-pants-ass. So we should have the upper hand. I wonder if he still gambles or if he's all "ships" and "coin" now."

Xer looks at Sasha.

"What I had to learn it from some one who ... oh ... no, nononono ... not that kind of gambling. Three Dragon Ante and Seaman's Bluff."

Sasha's face goes red as she heads off towards the docks.

"You coming little monk?" she calls back at Xer.

Once on the docks Sasha will look for the Gull and see if she can determine the whereabouts of either her brother(s) or the crew. She'll be willing to bribe a few of the water-rats (kids around the wharf) to let her know should they show up.

Xerlena said...

When Xerlena gets to sea she switches to her skin tight leather outfit and drapes herself in rough brown cloak. Sitting cross legged on the deck cloak lying beside her she meditates then rises and starts going through her fighting form. Gliding smoothly from form to form standing lightly on the balls of her feet then leaping high kicks hitting imagined opponents. Landing gracefully then instantly dropping into a crouch fists lashing out, then surging to her feet left elbow leading the way. Her body taught like a drawn bow she spins balanced on her right while her left leg travels through the air at head height.

Relaxing her body she bows to the setting sun and lets her surrounds come back into focus noticing some of the crew watching her heat in their eyes. Not sure how many might be able to recognize what she had been doing she picks up her clock that she had let fall to the deck and wraps it around her. She starts walking around the deck trying not to get in the way then scales the mast hands and feet working looking down she spots Sasha stalking a young man.

Hands working rapidly she goes down one of the rat lines landing lightly on the deck she waves to her companion. “When will things slow down enough for us to sit down and spend some quality time? I hope your brother has grown up a bit since last I saw him. I have stayed away from your place and the port as much as I could since you left. Last I remember of him he used to pull my hair and call me gutter rat.” Pausing mid walk to look at Sasha. “You know I don’t gamble kind of not part of the monk’s life.” Hurrying to catch up to Sasha who surged ahead she smacks her backside hard. “Little monk is it that is not what you were thinking before we started.”

On hitting the docks she starts glancing around looking for the local thieves that would be casing the area. They would be a great source for intel on what is going on.

Malvick said...

Malvick seemed absent most of the trip. Not much was seen of him or Ariva by any of the group during the voyage. After the battle Malvick had grown rather quiet and he seemed distracted the few times he had been around his companions for meals.

Upon arrival the gray cloud seemed to have lifted as he and Ariva arrived on the dock almost looking happy in such a familiar setting for this urban ranger.

"You're right Xer and Sasha. The thieves are a great source of information. I used one in particular years ago when he was quite young. I'm sure he's doing fairly well for himself now." They were taken aback by his tone. It sounded like this thief was a very good friend. "I'm off to check on The Shingles. Care to join?"

Anonymous said...

Yola stands on the ship,holding onto the ship railing, uncertain whether this is such a good idea or not.

After her initial queasyness, she begins to enjoy the salt air up on the deck, while sharpening her sword.

She glances at Sasha and Xer tease and taunt each other, with their familiarity of childhood, and sighs inwardly that she too has left her family far behind.

Finally the ship lands and not being familiar with the setting lets Malvick lead them - Yola reigns in her thoughts - at least I can back them up here, as she strides of the ship, hands on her hips looking arounds the docks.


sasha said...

"The Shingles?" Sasha says cautiously. "I know I'm going to regret this but when you say Shingles you mean ... what exactly?" Sasha eyes Mal and indicates that she'll go with him.

"Though I do want to check in with the Water Rats and the port master to see about the Red Gull."

Sasha turns to Yola noticing the barbarian seems a little unsteady. "Are you ok? You seem a shaky from your sea-legs."

Malvick said...

Time to reflect...


Malvick laughed at Sasha's comment. "Trust me. It's perfectly safe if you can keep your balance and not fall to your death." He went on to explain that 'The Shingles' was the name given to the roof tops of Korvosa.

"The Vaults..." he paused. "Sorry. The sewers are also far more interesting here then they sound."