Monday, January 17, 2011

Welcome to Korvosa

Malvick chuckles and explains the Shingles, Korvosa's rooftop slum district, to Sasha. "Right," Sasha replies, "that's what I thought you meant."

Xer rolls her eyes at her friend's attempt at urban sophistication, and the group heads into Varisia's biggest city.  It doesn't take long to find the Red Gull.  As Sasha predicted, it has not yet left port so soon, though it is busy taking on provisions and a quick inquiry reveals that it is due to set out again tomorrow morning.  Its destination this time is logged with the port authority as distant Sargava, with a return time of almost six months.  Most of the loading is being handled by local dock workers - the majority of the crew, including her captain, have disappeared into town.

A few coins in the right young hands yields the name if the inn that Captain Hidemarch likes to stay at when he's in town.  A few more reveal that the cage of rats was picked up by a pair of men.  One was a sour faced man in his late forties.  He was well dressed but rude.  His companion was a one eyed half-orc that grinned a lot, like he found the whole world funny.

Malvick is fairly certain he can track down the names of the two that picked up the rats and where they were taken, but it will take some time, and it is unlikely that the group has time to do that and find Sasha's brother before nightfall...


Sasha said...

"For the love of all the snotting- unholy-pieces-of-dead-luck! A grinning one-eyed half-orc? My brother's probably having tea right now while these rats could do who knows what." Sasha thinks for a moment, "They could plague I guess."

Sasha watches a pair of young children hitting each other with sticks and giggling.

"I'm going to find my brother and shove the pretty little blade he gave me so far down his throat he can use it to scratch his ass. How could he be this stupid!"

Sasha clenches her fists. "It's that snotting fat merchant that's behind this. He ruined him with coin and trinkets and taught him to a good 'business-man' regardless of what he had to do."

Sasha bites her lower lip and adds sagely, "I'm going to cut that fat-flounder when this is all over."

Looking at Mal and then to an opened mouth Xer and Stern Yola. "What do we do? There's not time to go running after everyone we need too? Does Li Kao have any magic ... I dunno ... that he come up with something?"

Malvick said...

"We came here because it sounded like those rats were a priority. That's why I left that woman there who bested me." Malvick felt his jaw with his hand, seeming to check if it was broken after that beating he took at the tower.

"I'll leave it to everyone here what we do. I know it didn't work out last time but we could split up and try to achieve both goals."

Sasha said...

"Don't worry, we will go back for her." Sasha says to Malvrick. "I agree the rats are the priority. We're going to need muscle to deal with the half-work and magic to deal with the rats. There seems to be a lot of magical widegy-woo every-time we turn around."

Sasha bites her lower lips and looks down the alley.

"Snot, I'll deal with brother later. It's about time he learned to start pulling himself up his own bootstraps."

Sasha turns back to Mal and the his dog.

"So with your brains and our striking good looks what's the worst that can possibly happen?"

Sasha smirks, "let go get Shingles."

Xerlena said...

Looking over at Sasha. "Always thinking with your blade first. You know we could leave your little brother a letter to keep his ass still while we go and handle things. That would give us time for you to come back and thrash his ass good after we are done dealing with the rats."

"I suppose we won't have much time for fun and to see the sights in town." A small smile curves her lips. "You know I think I am in the mood to find me a one eyed Half-Orc and see if he likes to dance."

Linking arms with Sasha she looks over at Malvick "Lead on you good looking, but trouble some man if you get me to the Orc on time I might make you forget all about your beating at the Tower." She toses a wink back at Yola.