Monday, February 8, 2010

After weasel stops blushing, it is decided that he, Wertz and Grump will stay with the Guffmins while Sasha, Malvick, Xer and Yola will raid and secure the house. At the last minute Malvick decides to leave Ariva behind as well, partly because he, like Sasha, is not convinced of the watchmen’s ability to fend for themselves, and partly because he wants to keep his wounded companion out of harms way in the tight confines of the house if things go bad. Ariva whines in complaint at being left behind, but accepts Malvick’s hand signals to guard the Guffmins.

The four adventurers jog across the open field, up onto the house’s veranda, and without breaking stride, Yola kicks in the front door and charges in, the others right on her heels.

The interior of the house is dark, with daylight streaming through at odd angles, refracted by the thick, poorly formed glass of the dirt-streaked windows. Dust floats in the air and the whole house stinks of rot.

The party is in a foyer of sorts, with a living area to their left, and the entrance to several bedrooms to the right. Ahead leads into the kitchen. Yola can see part of a long wooden table there. Upon it lie the remains of a man, and behind that stands a ghoul, glaring at her. This ghoul is not dressed in the rags of a scarecrow like the others. Its horrid face is uncovered and its clothes, while no less filthy, are those of an outdoorsman.

From the living area Sasha sees at least two more scarecrow ghouls skulking in the dim light, as if waiting.


deres said...

Staying close to Xer Sasha will knock her arrow and take a moment to aim at the skulking ghouls before taking a shot at their heads.

"Just like old times Xer." Sasha smirks.

"Who do you want Yola? I'll try and keep the rest of them off of your back while you have your fun."

Greg Stewart said...

Quarters are very tight - its a tiny house, remember if you are armed with a missile weapon you have to spend an action later to draw a melee weapon, potentially leaving yourself vunerable...

Malvick said...

Malvick readies his bow, "We should keep a wall or exit at our backs at all times, not knowing how many are in here. Yola and Xer, hold the line while Sasha and I fire off some rounds."

Anonymous said...

I'd get the one in the kitchen first, Yola says holding her sword and ready for what ghouls come at her.


Malvick said...


deres said...

Thinking again about her course of action Sasha decides to use her rapier instead.

Anonymous said...

"Cutting the head off the snake ends the fight in a lot of cases I wonder if that will work here?" Taking a running leap Xer vaults onto the table in front of the strange looking goul. "Yola lets see if we can flank this guy. I will take the left side if you want the right.” In a sing song voice Xer chants “Sasha love can you try to keep some of those pesky gouls off us and hold the way out in case we need it? Shout out if things get too rough and we will try to pull back and use the doorway to keep everything bottled up."