Friday, February 19, 2010

Xer runs forward and vaults onto the kitchen table.  She avoids slipping in the mess that was the ghoul's last meal, but the gore that she lands in upsets her footing enough that the kick she levels at the ghoul's head misses her mark.  She avoist the things counter attack by jumping off the table to the thing's right.  Its gaze follows her and it doesn't see Yola charging up on its other side until it is too late.  She cleaves mightily into the things side and it staggers away from a blow that would have killed a living opponent outright.  It shkeiks in pain and stumbles forward stubbornly, raking Yola across the arm.

Simutaneously, Sasha and Malvick leap into action.  Sasha jumps into the living room, rapier out, and stabs at the first ghoul she sees. It shies away, taking only a small wound to its upraised arm.  From behind a couch an second ghoul rises up, but before it can leap at the rogue, Malvick plants two arrows through its skull and it drops back to the floor with a crash.  The Ghoul that Sasha pricked snarls at the death of its companion, their ambush foiled, and leaps at her with rage.  It is all Sasha can do to back out of the room taking several bad scratches and bites as she does.  Two more ghouls jump at Malvick fro the hall leading to the bedrooms, and before they know it, Sasha and Malvick are fighting back to back agains three maddenened ghouls.

* * *
As the "leader" ghoul focuses its clumsy swings on Yola, Xer reaches out and grabs it around the neck.  She sweeps its legs out from under it and starts to twist and wrench.  "Go!" she yells to Yola, indicating their struggling companions behind them with a jerk of her head.  Yola nodds and charges back down the hall.  The ghoul flails its arms about, spraying Xer in rotten gore and blood, ber she cracks its neck and it slumps forward.

The three remaining ghouls fall one after the other, spitting and clawing all the way.  Sasha takes a deep bite to her leg before skewering the last on her rapier.

The four stand in the house, catching their breath in silence. Gore stained and shaken, it takes a momment before they can act again.  Poking around the house reveals some things of note.  What Xer thought was the remains of a ghoul's feats on the kitchen table turns out to be anouther staked and flayed ritual murder.  The body of Crade Hambley  is about a week old now, but the seven pointed star os clearly visible carved onto his chest.  As is the bloody note pinned there:

Sasha, take the Fever into you my love - It will be the first of my gifts to you...

Around the neck of the lead ghoul is a heavy iron key on a leather strap.  They key bears the symbol of a flower surrounded by a ring or thorns.  In the master bedroom, under some loose floorboards is a stout wooden coffer containing 34 neatly stacked pouches of 100 silver coins each- the life savings of the miserly Crade Hambley who lies now staked out on his own table.

"Halloooo!"  A voice calls from outside.  "Halloooooo in there!"  Xer runs to a window and laughs.  Trundling up the laneway in a bright red mule-drawn garbage cart comes Li Kao.  The Guffmins and Farmer Grump ride in the back as Ariva lopes along beside.

* * *
Congratulations!  For defeating the Ghouls at Cradely Farm and discovering the identity of the Skinsaw Man, the party goes up to level 5!  ( yes, even Li Kao  :> ).  Visit your individual character sheets for leveling up info and options, and post here to continue the story.


James said...

Li Kao scratches Ariva behind the ear as he shuffles his way up into the farm house. He walks past the gore stricken party, seemingly unaware of the carnage and takes a sour whiskey bottle from a cupboard. His companions watching him, he wipes the bottle with his sleeve, uncorks it and takes a swig.
"One thing about living in Sandpoint I never could stomach... all the damn ghouls."

OoC: 5 points to name the movie reference! Li Kao will treat the wounds of those most in need of aid and suggest they get back to the town before nightfall. He will use the trip back to fill them in on his discovery. Once they are settled for the evening (wherever we decide that will be) Li Kao will expend the rest of his spells as healing for the party.

Malvick said...

"Glad you could make it Li," Malvick gives him an approving nod. "I'll go check the rest of the house for supplies. Come on girl!" Malvick spins to go back through the house.

Ariva bounds in after him.

ooc: @James - A search gives me this first;

Anonymous said...

See if I can find some water to wash some of the gore and junk off me. "The thing I hate about gouls is how messy they are." As she finishes cleaning off the best she can. "I wonder what that key goes to?" Strolling out of the door to the cart. "The fun and action is done for now probably a very good idea to get back to town I feel thirsty."

ooc: When one quotes the lost boys in D&D I might start to worry. Vampires would be bad about now.

deres said...

Sasha curses loudly as she wipes her Rapier clean. "That was interesting." Biting her lower lip she leans against the wall and rips open her legging near the bite wound.

"For Snot's sake."

Turning to Xer she gives her a playful wink.

"So what do you think of country life so far."

Limping over to the body Sasha looks over at the corpse. Slammming her fist down she bites her own lip drawing blood then grabs the note tearing it from the body and crumpling it up in a tight fist.

"Xer, if you find something I can bind this bite with that would be great."

Waiting for Xer to leave Sasha closes her eyes and focuses on her breathing.

"My suitor knew I would be hear. How can this be. This body is old and dead and he left it knowing I'd end up here ... knowing WE would end up here."

Sasha turns to Malvick.

"You're an expert something ... how is following us?"

Sasha turns down to the body.

"And ... what the hell is this?"

She pulls the key free from the corpse tossing it to Malvick.

"Where do people in this parts get highly ornate kays. Let me guess he had a rich uncle who happened to entrust him with the only key to vault full of treasure."

Hobbling over to Malvick she points to the corpse.

"None, of this makes since. People are dieing and we're being played with. This .." She points to the key ".. doesn't belong here." She points back to the body "this doesn't belong here" and then she points a thumb to herself "We don't belong here."

Looking into Malvicks eyes she can see his concern.

"I want this snots spawn. I want him to pay for everything his done."

James said...

OoC: When do I get my level up options?

Anonymous said...

Xerlena walks back in with strips of torn up cloth. Leaning over Sasha she pours a generous amount of alcohol on the wound forcing a sharp gasp out of Sasha then wraps it carefully.

"You are getting sloppy Sasha what has you so distracted that you let yourself bitten like this?" Shaking her head slightly and tsking. "I am not sure why you sent me away or what you don't want me to know, but you might want to have Li Kao look at this." Stepping out the door she calls over a shoulder. “I will help get the cart together so we can move out.”

Anonymous said...

Yola cleans off her wounds and goes to start loading up the cart.

Hmm, I think we need to get back to town and figure out how they are getting here before us, or knowing where we are.


Malvick said...

"Whoever it is, IT is very good at moving through the area quickly," Malvick turned the key over and over in his hand looking for any unique markings. "Sasha, I'm concerned you and Yola do not know anything about this. You've been in the area the longest and were the town's last heroes. Could there be any fall out from that. Did you leave any loose ends?" The way Malvick said "loose ends" was chilling as the compassionate leader disappeared for a moment, replaced by the hunter.

"Li, you were in town for a while as we travelled out this way. Did you make any headway into any of this in town?"

Anonymous said...

Yola turns to Malvick, well I highly doubt that the goblins could be capable of this, and we pretty much destroyed their chief and the ones who were leading them.

Pausing for a moment and looking at Sasha, - Sasha, do you remember Seoni? She was going to Magimar, wasn't see looking up the Foxglove family? could it be anything with them, or someone else in Magimar?


James said...

Li Kao listens to all of the speculations as the party begins to pack up.
"I'm afraid I have some dire news."
Li Kao scratches at his stubbly chin.
"It appears that Aldern Foxglove attempted to refurbish an ancestral home known as The Misgivings. He somehow unearthed an evil which warped and transformed him into the murderous ghoul that has been courting Sasha. We must travel to the house, kill Aldern and burn everything to the ground."
Li Kao hopped up into the cart and uncorked his jug.
" Oh I almost forgot....If we're lucky your old friend Seoni is dead. If not we'll have to behead and burn her along with everything else."
Li Kao takes a swig and burps, catching a glowering look of disproval from Xer, he blushes and mumbles to Sasha and Yola, "oh...uh...sorry for your loss."