Thursday, December 17, 2009

After a short walk through the square to clear their heads, Yola and Sasha head back to the garrison jail to question Ven Vinder.  Hemlock meets them on the way in, saying, "oh you're back.  If you want to question Ven you'd best hurry, I just gave Vachedi the ok to release him - his wife corroborated his story.  He was home all night.  We also have probably a dozen or so folks that will vouch for seeing him working at his general store the day the three con men from Magnimar were killed.  There's no way he's our man."

In the face of such certainty, the two women decide instead to meet up with Malvick and compare notes.  Over lunch at the Rusty Dragon, Malvick relates what he learned at the mill, while Sasha goes over their interview with Ibor Thorn.

"Well, there's only one lead we haven't followed up on today," says Malvick.  "I guess we should go back and talk with Sevilla again.  Maybe he's recovered from his fever enough to give us some useful information - he's as close as we have to an eye witness after all."

So the three head back to the garrison again and down to the jail.  Ibor Thorn has also been released.  The only remaining occupant is the sickly Grayst Sevilla, still lying glassy eyed on the floor.

"Bah, this is ridiculous!"  Sasha snorts.  "How do we know he's not faking this?"  Sasha motions to Vachedi, "Open the door.  This guy and I are going to have a talk."

Vachedi looks skeptical.  "You sure?  He's not right, that one."

"He's wearing a straight jackt.  I'll be fine, just open the door."

The big Shoanti shrugs and complies. Sasha enter the cell, Yola moving in protectively behind her, while Malvick watches from the doorway.  Sasha wrinkles her nose at the rotten smell coming from the man, but kneels down beside him and jabs at him with a finger.  "Hey, hey, anybody home?"

Sevilla moans and rolls over to look up at her.  He seems to have trouble focusing, but struggles to his knees.  "There, that's better."  Sahs says, smiling.  "Now my name is Sasha.  I know you've been through a lot, but my friends and I just want to ask..."

Sevilla makes a sharp intake of suprise and his eyes lock onto Sasha's intently.  "Sasha!"  he whispers. "He said you would visit me.  His Lordship.  The one who unmade me so.  He has a place for you.  A precious place.  I'm so jealous!  He has a message for you.  He made me remember it.  I hope I haven't forgotten.  The master wouldn't approve if I forgot.  Let me"

Sasha rises to her feet.  "He said if you came to his Misgivings," Sevilla hissed, looking up at her, "that if you joined the pack, he would stop his harvest in your honour!"  His message delivered, he collapses back to the floor with a low moan.

Appalled, Sasha turns to her friends, her face a mixture of shock and anger.  Before anyone can speak, an inhuman shriek issues from Grayst, and the man launches to his feet, as if propelled by some otherworldy force.  His tongue lolls from his open mouth - too long, and his eyes are nothing but white staring orbs.

Yola yells out a warning, grabbing for her weapon as Sevilla tears free from his straight jacket and lunges at Sasha's back.

* * *

" And that's the extent of the murder we stumbled across in Magnimar. While it was rather disturbing I didn't think much of it, not exactly the first person to be murdered in the shadows of that district - BUT!"

Li Kao jostled his gourd about excitedly, refilling Mr. Quints clay cup with a splash of wine.

" You can imagine my profound furor when I heard that your small, honest village had suffered a similar event. Most mysterious, MOST mysterious..."
Quint accepts the refill and answers, "Yes, quite sad, young love cut down in its prime.  Never met that Harker fellow, but that Vinder girl  always seemed like a pleasant sort, helping her parents run the store and all - not like her sister, the little minx.  But you want to know about Thassilon yes?"
Quint takes a long sip from his cup as Li Kao nods.  "Much of the lore of that empire has been lost to time.  What we do know has been gathered from carvings from their many monuments that still dot the coutryside, or from the myths and traditions of the native Varisians and Shoanti.  What I can tell you is that it was a vast empire ruled by powerful wizards.  The sheer size of the monuments they left behind, like the Irespan bridge in Magnimar, or the Great Stairs that lead up to the Storval Plateau, testifies to their power, and the unatural way that they have resisted the march of time testifies to their skill at magic."
Quint grows more animated as he warms to his topic.  "Now, most of my colleages will tell you that the hieght of the empire was about 7000 years ago, but I believe it is even older - at least 10,000 years since its collapse!"

The old man gets up from the table to retrieve a large well worn journal from the shelf.  "This seven pointed star, did it look like this?"  He opens the jounal and on the page is sketched the exact symbol that Xer described seeing on Silas' chest.  Li Kao  nods and refills Quints cup again.  "I thought so!" The scholar continues exitedly.  "This is the Sihedron Rune - one of the most important symbols of ancient Thassilon.  It represented not only the seven virtues of rule that the empire was founded on, but also the seven schools of magic recognized by the empire.  But,"  Brodert notes with a smirk, "Much of what we understand about Thassilon indicates that its rulers were far from virtuous.  I believe that the the seven classic sins of today are a corruption of those original virtues of rule."
Quint closes the journal and leans back with a sigh.  "In any event, the Sihedron Rune was definitely a symbol of power."  He steeples his fingers and looks thoughtfully at Li Kao.  "The fact that our murderer used it might point to the fact that he is some sort of scholar."  As soon as the words leave his mouth, Quint looks alarmed and leans forward.  "Not that I had anything to do with it you understand!" 
* * *
Sasha wheels around just in time to be bowled over by the charging Sevilla-thing.  The two crash to the cell floor.  It's putrid breath makes her gag as she fends off its clawing grasp, its long tongue trailing spittle.  Then Yola is there.  A geat downward swing from her two bladed sword cleaves the thing's skull apart, spraying bloody filth across Sasha's face as it collapses lifeless on top of her. 
Malvick and Yola drag the corpse off Sasha, who bolts to her feet.  "That's it!"  she screams, "I am so done here!"  She storms past the others as she wipes blood and brains from her eyes, shaking visibly. 
Yola and Malvick stay at the garrison.  The local preist Father Zanthus is called in, who confirms that the body of Grayst Sevilla is undead, the the thug was perfectly human when Malvick brought him in.  After disposing of the body, the two head back to the Rusty Dragon.
There they find Sasha well into a second bottle of wine.  The three order some food, though none have much of an appetite.  At one point Sasha looks up as the tavern door opens.  "Xer!"  She charges up from the table and bounds on unsteady legs across the room to the short haired stranger who just entered.
“SASHA” screams Xer as she races towards her friend with arms wide open. She meets the other woman with an enthusiastic almost scandalouse looking kiss. “It has been so long since I last saw you what the hell are you doing in this part of the world?” She locks an arm around Sasha as she walks with her towards the table. “Before I forget Hemlock says he wants to meet with you and the others first light tomorrow. Probably partially my fault we ran into some old man raving like a loon about walking scarecrows.”

Xerlina waves the issue away with her other arm. “But back to the important stuff:  What has been going on with you? I am sure you have been working your way in and out of trouble as normal.  Let me tell you, some monks are not to be trusted.  The monastery sold me out, the buggers.”


Malvick said...

One of Malvick's eye brows was much higher than the other as he looked on at the very chatty women.

"Friends I take it?" Malvick asked Yola.

"You can lower the eye brow and quit staring," joked Yola.

Malvick pretended to crack his neck as he rubbed the look off of his face. "Anyways, it's been a long day. I think I need another beer," he said as he nonchalantly dropped more chicken on the ground for Ariva who was under the table. For a dog her size it wasn't working very well.

"You're pretty good with that blade," he said in passing to Yola as he tried to spot a waitress in the crowd. He made a swooping motion with his forearms, "You were nice and precise with that blow. It was quite impressive. I can shoot through the worst crowd but my blade can't shave a guy without threatening his life," Malvick chuckled to himself.

"I'm going to try to get to Savah's Armory tomorrow. If we're getting into fights with undead and who knows what else I think some silver arrows are a must to be safe."

Malvick was still darting his eyes back and forth through the crowd. "Doesn't anyone work in this place?" He got up and started to make his way to the bar. He hesitated and looked back to Yola, "You want anything?"

deres said...

Sasha, pulls out a chair for Xer and fetches a cup of wine. With a wry smile she tells Xer of coming to Sandpoint to get into a ‘big’ card game.

She weaves the stories about the Snots and how she, Yola, Gerund, Seoni and Poot stuck their necks out on the line and only came back better for their trouble.

As she tells the story Yola tries to hide her smile and Malvrick gives a soft chuckle. The odd Inn patron chirps in with a few more details to everyone’s laughter. By the end of the story an epic tale has been woven to the cheers of the bars clientele.

Xer leans into Yola and whispers something. They both laugh and she gives Sasha an even bigger hug.
“So there you have it … everyone else moved on to the city but Yola and I decided to keep tabs here. “

“Monks you say,” Sasha makes a sweeping gesture with her arm as Malverick quickly dodges the cup of wine. “I told you they’d be trouble one day.

They never laugh or take time to enjoy themselves. It’s rules and prayers and Xer you’re never gonna …” Sasha cups her hand and whispers into her ear as Xer’s eyes go wide and her face turns red. “…. If you spend you’re life in a monastery. That’s why they wear robes. It’s true!”

Sasha nods solemnly slightly drunk and enjoying Xer’s mild discomfort. “I’ve been getting into trouble and Yola’s been getting me out.

Some lunatic jumped me and she saved me by putting a blade through his head. “ Sasha take another mouthful of wine and point to the blood stains on her tunic. “It’s ok it was his not mine.”

Looking up at Malvrick, Sasha smiles sweetly, “Another bottle of wine couldn’t hurt! Aye, for getting service sometimes it’s not a matter of words so much as volume.

Sasha yells “OI!”. All heads stop and turn to her. The bartender seeing it’s Sasha smiles and bites his lip trying to smile. “My good friend hersh and es Dog want to buy some drinks for us and a bottle of wine! Puh-lease.”

Sasha leans back on her chair and points to Malvrick with a big smile. “See she whispers it’s easy.”

Malvick said...

Malvick is taken a back with Sasha's forwardness, but then recalls the days he used to spend marathons at the bars with his fellow comrades. With that thought a small smile comes to his face. "Rest well, friends," he says to himself.

As the drinks get to the table Malvick makes a mental note to let Hemlock know one of his town's heroes is a mild extortionist and that he needs to expense this team building seminar.

"Enjoy the wine, Sasha," he yells over the noisy crowd as he tosses the medallion back over the table. Sasha catches it with a bit of a drunken lunge.

"So what's the other side of the story Xerlena? Why are you here now?"

Anonymous said...

Yola laughs at what Xer says and looks over to Sasha, she seems to be letting her guard down now that Xer is around, probably good for her.

Yola turns to Malvick, I'm thinking that we still need to talk to Ven, about the mills owners, not sure what could have turned Grayst into an undead thing but we better get to the bottom of it, and probably going over to the armory is a good idea as well. Maybe we should show the mediallion to Ven - he may know something about it as well.

Yola turns her attention to Xer and Sasha, waiting to hear what Xer has to say.


Anonymous said...

With a sly grin on Xer’s face she comments. “To be honest as Sasha said living with Monks is not for everyone and to be honest it was starting to grow boring. Their ideas went out of style probably 100 years ago if they ever were in style. The good thing is I was invited to something more fun by pretty little friend Sasha here.” She finishes the sentence with a flourish and a sly wink to people at the table. “Who would not want an opportunity to go out and have good adventure, but what irritates me as the manner of my departure would you believe the fools set me up. There will be a reckoning when I eventually go back there. Nobody crosses Xerlena Snow and comes away unscathed unless they are cute and have muscles in all of the right places.” She gives an impish smile and takes a big gulp of her drink.

“So what would the friends of my friend want to know about little old me? There was a time when we were on the streets together with nobody else to really trust. We were in and out of sticky situations and managed to escape without too much damage. You can say that Sasha and I know each other very well.”

deres said...

Snatching the medallion out of the air she says "Thanks, Malveren ... er Malak ... Maler ... Mal! Thanks Mal!"

Smiling with a broad grin at getting out of the pronunciation and into more wine Sasha says, "What's the verdict? Any clues, magic, forgotten secrets? I've looked at it for hours some nights and all I can figure is that it's a pointy star!"

Seeing Malvrick smile (or wince) Sasha raises a glass to him "To you and your puppy! I still haven't figured out which one is cuter!"

Sasha takes a large gulp of wine and hearing Xer say "... know each other very well" sprays it across the table and starts coughing and choking trying to catch her breath.

"Xerrrrrr!" Sasha says through clenched teeth as either the wine or her own history make her red-cheeked.

*kaff, kaff* "So what did the monks do they didn't make you pray enough? If we need to go back and settle a few debts we can do that."

Listening to Yola she nods her head sagely (or drunkly). "That's a very very very good plan! We should go see Ven right now!"

Sasha slams her fist in defiant determination and tries to stand feeling a little dizzy.

Anonymous said...

Yola wonders exactly how " close " Xer and Sasha are, but dismisses the thought as Sasha tries to stand.

Yola grips Sasha's shoulder and slowly sits her back down, Not now you rogue, in the morning.

Malvick, you up to coming with us to see Ven.

Since we need to see him in the morning I'm calling it a night, goodnight all.

Yola gets up from the table and heads over to her Aunt at the bar -
" anything else you need tonight from me? " Her Aunt shakes her head no, " I'm headed upstairs for the night"


James said...

Li kao stumbled out of Mr. Quints house as the dawn became an amber sliver on the horizon. The information jostled about in his head as he attempted to distill it into a clear and potent thought.
The Sihedron Rune...the seven sinful virtues. Were the murdered sinful or virtuous? Silus was a thug extorting the poor and the fellows the ranger was after were conmen. But the young lovers in the mill? They didn't seem guilty of much other than being young. So what was the killer trying to tell us?
Li Kao passes out in the ditch of the road from Brodarts before he ever made it back to the Rusty Dragon. After a brief and restless nap he swaggered into town whistling, and proceeded to visit the various sundries and stores, rummaging through their wares and commenting on the shoddiness or gaudiness of even the most insignificant baubbles.
"I must stock up on the essentials of adventuring if I'm to face off with a killer " he mumbled more to himself than the store owner.
"Eh!? What's this a Jade lizard? It was obviously carved by a sub mental with no thumbs. And is of a most putrid green for jade. It may be the ugliest trinket in the whole store. I'll take it! But you really must come down in the price."
Along with the Jade lizard, Li Kao purchases 3 vials of anti toxin and a scroll of remove fear.
He then heads off to Hemlocks to see if there have been any updates.

Anonymous said...

"You know I think your friend here is right it is probably time to go to bed. Are we doing a common room or do they do separate rooms in this place?"

Raising a hand she calls out. "Bar keep do you have any rooms free in this place? I have had a long trip and need some good rest"

Anonymous said...

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