Monday, November 23, 2009

Sasha and Yola report to the garrison the next morning to find the place in a state of hushed activity.  Drill seems to have been cancelled, and the entire twelve man milita seems to have been roused to duty.  Sasha grabs Weasel as he trotts by.  "Hey kid, what's going on?"

"Uh, not sure.  Sheriff took a bunch of us down to the Sawmill first thing this morning.  He's been in his office with that ranger ever since.  Oh!  he wanted to see you guys though as soon as you got here!"

The two women exchange a troubled look and hurry to Belor Hemlock's office.  The Sheriff ushers them in right away and shows them to chairs.  In the room also is a tall man with a weather worn face.  A large wolf hound curled up at his feet takes up most of the free floor space. 

Hemlock sits behind his desk and runs his hand over his scalp, a gesture Yola knows her uncle only makes when under stress.  "First, let me thank you two again for all you've done for Sandpoint.  Its fortunate that you've proven yourselves so capable, because we've a problem that I think you can help us with - a problem that I wish I didn't have to involve anyone with, but one that needs dealing with now before the situation grows worse.

"Put simply, we have a murderer in our midst - one who, I fear, has only just begun his work.  Some of you doubtless remember the Late Unpleasantness, how the town nearly tore itself apart in fear as the Chopper's slayings went on unanswered.  I'm afraid we might have something similar brewing now.

"Last night, the murderer struck at the sawmill.  There are two victims, and they're...they're in pretty gruesome shape.  The bodies were discovered by one of the mill workers, a man named Ibor Thorn, and by the time my men and I arrived on the scene, a crowd of curious gawkers had already sprung up.  I've got my men stationed there now, keeping the mill locked down, but what bothers me isn't that we've got two dead bodies inside.  Its the fact that this is the second set of murders we've had in the last few days."

Hemlock finally indicates the other man in the room with a nod.  "This is Malvick.  Like Shalelu, he's unofficially on Sandpoint's payroll.  He does a lot of work between here and Magnimar, and feed us information about goings on from time to time.  Two days, Malvick made a discovery up at Bradley's barn." 

Malvick looks uncomfortable as he speaks.  He recounts the tale of what he found at the barn for Sasha and Yola in a hushed tone.  When he finishes, the room is chilling quiet until Hemlock speaks again. 

"I come to you for help in this matter - my men are good, but they are also green.  They were barely able to handle themselves agains the goblins, and what we're facing now is an evil far worse that goblins.  I need the help, but I'm afraid that you'll need the help too, because it seems this murderer knows one of you..."

With those words Hemlock pulls out a piece of bloodstaind parchment and hands it to Sasha.  She pauses in suprise before taking the note, and reads it alound:

Sasha, you will learn to love me; desire me in time as she did. 
Give yourself to the Pack and it will all end. 

                                                                                                  Your Lordship.

As Sasha looks at the note, lost for words, Hemlock continues.  "We found the note pinned to the sleeve of one of the victims with a splinter of wood.  Now don't misunderstand, I certainly don't beleive you had anything to do with these murders, but if word of this note got out, I'm not sure if the townsfolk would be as understanding.  And because I don't want to start a general panic, I'd ask that you keep these murders as quiet as you can."


Malvick said...

Malvick tipped up his hat to get a better look at the two women Hemlock had addressed. They looked up to the task, but he knew it would take him a bit to get used to working with people again. It had been a while since he had gone anywhere with unfamiliar companions.

"So who takes the point on this one? Does your militia here have formal ranks?"

Malvick finally remembered his manners. He rose from his chair and took a few solid steps towards Yola and Sasha.

The dog went to rise but a quick snap from the ranger stopped the dog in a sitting position.

He turned back to the women, an outstretched hand to invite a handshake from either.

"Good to meet you two. Looks like we're in for a bit of a treat if we can keep our wits about us. I'm here to help Hemlock, but I also need answers."

deres said...

Sasha gripped the letter tightly then crumpled it and then stood up kicking her chair across the room.

"THIS isn't right!" She shouts. "I had nothing ... I mean there's ... I've never even been with anyone be ..."

Sasha stops seeing everyone's eyes on her.

"What 'pack' is this a Snot's joke? I don't even ... some twisted freak has a fetish for me and he's killing people to get off on it."

Sasha whirls around and points a finger a Malvick. "A treat!? Is that meant to be humor? Didn't you see what was down to those people or do you just not give a dogs crap unless someone is shoveling gold coins under you nose?"

The wolf snarls at Sasha who screams 'shut up' at it. Grabbing her a tankard from the table she throws it against the wall and swearing storms through the door slamming it behind her.


It was raining when Xer had found her. It was always raining it seemed when she was sad.

The memory had flooded back to her like a torrent or unhappy day dreams.

"You can't let your emotions get the better of you." Xer said as she brushed the younger Sasha's hair from her face.

Sasha's black-eye stood out even in the dark.

"But he said things about my father that weren't true."

Xer nodded.

"And he hit you?"

Sasha shook her head. "I hit him first she said."

"Then he hit you?"

Sasha shook her head. "He laughed and then I kicked him in the groin."

"Ouch" Xer said.

"Then he hit me." Sasha added plaintively.

"What did he say?"

Sasha mumbled "He called my father a monster and an ogre. Said, he just likes hurting people and said was surprised I wasn't a Snot."

Xer, said. "But you know that's not true right?"

"I know. You can't let your emotions get the better part of you. Sometimes, you have to think before you jump into something."

You sound like my father.

"Then ..." Xer continued "... he must not have been half bad. If you promise me the next time you want to do something like this you will let me know first so I can help you then I promise I'll be your best friend."

Sasha thought for a moment cried and then smiled a little. Xer was everything her other friends weren't and right now this is what she needed.

Sasha smiled. She had only known Xer a short time when they first met and it wouldn't be long before they became fast friends.

Everything made sense with Xer. Where Sasha was wild Xer was calm. When Xer was timid Sasha would bring her out of her shell. Ever since they had separated Sasha had felt wild and chaotic.

Part of her loved her freedom but right now a bigger part of her wanted Xer back and for the world to make sense again.

Anonymous said...

Yola shook Malvick's hand, glad youre here to help out, I would say that the our militia isn't up to this task, bunch of greenhorns really,

Now if you'll excuse me I have to get Sasha under control, and with that Yola leaves her uncle's office.

Yola catches up with Sasha, finds her crouching in a corner, tear streaks on her face, looking at her with her hands and her hips, " you really like to make an exit don't you" Yola squats down to look Sasha directly in the eye.

" now you listen and listen good cause I'm not going to repeat it, no one thinks you had anything to do with it, and no one is blaming you, you're a skilled fighter and my comrade and I won't have anyone saying anything of the like against you,

But, someone knows you and you may know him, Personally I'd want to get even and get my name cleared. Now my suggestion is we go talk to Malvick to see what he has to say and then we can get to the bottom of this.

Yola holds her hand out to Sasha, "are you coming? or do I have to drag you along"

deres said...

Sasha rubbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger.

"It doesn't make sense. It's not my fault and it's not a joke."

Sasha turned to Yola who could see a trail of more than one tear.

"I'm being made responsible for something I didn't do. People are being punished because of it. I know you and the sheriff don't think so but my 'suitor' seems to think I'm worth the trouble."

Sasha kicks a stone that bounces across the road.

"What if someone said they loved you and burned down your uncles bar to prove and everyone inside died? I mean I haven't felt like this since the time .... never mind."

Sasha sees Yola's sincere face and her hand on her shoulder.

"I'll come back. It's been a shock that's all. You know Yola, you remind me a lot like Xer well - for all the right reasons anyway."

Sasha lets out a small sigh and wipes her eyes.

"Let's go get this over with. We both know this town can get along without the both of us."