Friday, November 27, 2009

Yola leaves Hemlock's office in pursuit of Sasha, and the two men look at each other a little dumbfounded.  After a momment of akward silence, Hemlock says, "Okay, perhaps not deputy material just yet.  But Sasha will be fine when she calms down I'm sure.  But uh, just in case, you may want to take lead on this."  At this point Yola returns, with a calmer but still visibly upset Sasha in tow.

Once all are seated again, the sheriff runs down his list of leads, checking them off on his fingers as he goes.  "One:  The lumber mill.  I'd start there.  As I said, my men have it cordened off and have orders not to disturb the crime scene until you've seen it. 

"Two:  Ibor Thorn.  He's the one that discovered the bodies at the mill this morning.  He's pretty shaken up, and I don't think he knows anything, but you might be able to get something out of him that I couldn't.  Go easy on him though - he's been through a lot.  I've got him in a quiet holding cell downstairs.  

"Three:  Ven Vinder.  He runs the general store here in town.  His daughter Katrine was one of the victims.  He was the first person I visited after the discovery.  But when I told him he flew into a rage.  I'm fairly certain that it was over the loss of his daughter and not out of guilt of being caught, but nevertheless, he's my only suspect.  He is also cooling off in a cell downstairs.

Four:  The first murders. Malvick's already given the full story there.  The three bodies are on ice in the cellar if you want to inspect them, and the body guard Sevilla seems to have gone insane.  He's in yet another cell downstairs.

Five:  The rune.  The other victim was Banny Harker.  There was a star carved onto his chest, just like the three men Malvick found.  It obviously has signifgance to the killer but I'm at a loss as to what that might be.  You may want to consult our local historian, Brodert Quint on that. 

"Oh and Sasha, you might want to show him that."  Hemlock points to the medalion that Sasha took as a trophy from her and Yola's victory over the villian Nualia, and has been wearing ever since.  Sasha lifts it to her eyes, as really seeing the stone disc for the first time.  Etched into its surface is a seven pointed star.


deres said...

Sasha stands by Yola and takes the medallion off. Tossing it to Malvick she watches as he snatches in mid air.

"I want that back when you're done with it." Sasha says matter of factly.

"I want to see the bodies" she says to the Sheriff. "I want to know what my 'suitor' has been doing."

Regaining her composure she turns to Yola. "After, we can talk to see Banny. If nothing else ... maybe he just needs someone to listen to for once."

Shaking her head.

"First the noise complaints at the ... wait. I settled the dispute between the mill and the towns people? Remember, Yola you where there. Do you think this has anything to do with it?"

Malvick said...

"I agree. We should check the bodies again. Last time I saw them things didn't sit too well in my stomach. Maybe this time I can be more objective."

Malvick sort of believed himself this time. He wasn't sure why he was unsettled about all this. He had seen plenty with and without the old militia.

"Maybe Ariva will be able to pick up a scent we can use later as well." The dog perked up at her name.

"Can either of you talk to any of the suspects? I can, but I am not the greatest with words."

"After that, I am definitely off to the next crime scene. Between that and what's downstairs I think we will have a solid base of information. What do you two think?"

Malvick said...

Malvick turned the medallion over in his hand to get a better look. This will be good to compare to the bodies, he thought.

His mind hesitated for a moment. He couldn't believe this woman had all of a sudden trusted him with a possession. It was an alien feeling he hadn't felt for some time. A sense of pride and trust followed his confusion. It was good to feel again.

James said...

FYI @ Sasha: Banny is one of the 2 victims probably not able to talk to anyone ;)

Anonymous said...


Sasha I remember about the mill and the noise complaints - and we did settle it.

I'd say we go and talk to Ven, since he runs the store he should know most about the gossip in this town.

But I think we better check the bodies to find out exactly what we are dealing with.

OOC: Greg - would my aunt at the inn be able to give us any gossip/news regarding this?

Deres said...

Sasha nods to Yola.

"The bodies are a good place to start. We need to see just what we are dealing with. Or more importantly - who we might be dealing with."

Sasha follows after Yola's long strides.

"I'm still going to talk to Benny. Why don't you speak with Venn and we can meet back at the Inn in about an hour."

Sasha fingers the hilt of her whip. I'll even buy the first pint.

"So what do you think of this Malvick guy and his wolf-dog? I know he's no Poot but do you think we can trust him?"

Anonymous said...

I don't think my uncle would have us talk to Malvick if he didn't trust him, but trust is earned so we shall see.


OOC: Brett, I believe that Benny is dead.

Deres said...

OOC: My bad I misread it. That said all we have to do is have a necromancer join the party and ...