The remaining cultists, now split up by the pit, hesitated...
Then lept to attack whichever invader was nearest at hand. Any organized defense they may have had disappeared into a snarling flurry of knives.
Sasha side-stepped another swipe from the cultist in front of her, then punched him in the face with the pommel of her rapier. While he was stunned she planted one foot behind him and hip tossed him away from her. He landed on the edge of the pit and slipped down its side, landing with a crunch twenty feet below. Sasha brushed a stray lock of hair out of her eyes and looked around for the next cultist.
On the other side of the room, Xer took advantage of Ironbriar's choking fit to try and cut free Malvick, but the two cultists that had followed her here jumped to intercede. Xer weaves between the two attackers artfully and manages to cut free one of Malvick's arms. She hands him the knife to free himself, ducks yet another blow and turns her attention back to Ironbriar, who has started to chant another spell. Xer's mind is assaulted with strange images as Ironbriar tries to seize control of her actions, but Xer's years of training and meditation at the monastery protect her mind from the divine assault and she shrugs off its affects. She winks at the frustrated elf and then launches into a flurry of kicks and punches. But Ironbriar is quick on his feet too and manages to evade or parry all of her attacks.
A third cultist, not willing to brave the whirling web of steel that is Yola doubles back and tries to finish Malvick before he can free himself, but the ranger frees his last limb just in time and rolls away as a war razor cuts into the wooden bench where his neck had been only a split second ago.
Seeing her way now clear, Sasha dances along the edge of the pit past Yola to join the fray at the other end of the room. She catches one of the cultists intent on Malvick, stabbing him in the back. The man straightens up in pain and tries to turn, but Malvick leaps up from the other side of the bench and finishes him off with a dagger thrust, then rolls the other way as his second attacker grazes him with his razor.
Recognizing that Xer's will is too strong for him to break with magic, Ironbriar switches to his war razor and joins Xer in deadly melee, but niether are able to land a blow on the other. So focused is Xer on her foe, that she fails to see the last cultist work his way behind her until it is too late. His thin blade cuts a deep line across her back. Her guard falters, legs going weak as metal scrapes over bone, and Ironbriar readies for the kill . . .
* * *
This concludes round 2 & 3. Malvick took a grazing hit for 3 HP. After avoiding something like six attacks from the cultists and Ironbriar's suggestion spell, one of the cultists finally landed a sneak attack on Xer for 11 hp. She is now flanked by a cultist and Ironbriar ( both have levels in rogue so inflict sneak damage when flanking an enemy just like Sasha). The pit expired at the end of round four, depositing two wounded cultists ( and three corpses) back where they were originally.
Li Kao decides to put more "dog" between him and any would be attackers and hits Ariva with an Enlarge spell. Then, noticing Xer has been seriously wound focuses his healing powers on keeping his student on her nimble feet.
Malvick is finally able to shake his mind loose from surviving and reacting to fighting like he should. His companions made a big risk coming here and he was intent to not lose any of them for his sake.
If Malvick can get to a war razor or something other then this dagger he will, but if he can't he will do his best to get Sasha flanking any way he can. His first reaction was to immediately help Xer, but him and Sasha could accomplish that better by thinning the crowd first.
Sasha hearing Xer's cries clutches her rapier and darts towards her. With her blade raised Sasha sees a cultist near Mal and Ironbriar with a smug look satisfaction on his face. Turning to look back she can see Yola impressively cleaving her way through her attackers.
"This is so not fair." Sasha mutters under her breath.
"Life isn't fair." she could her the voice echo in the back of her head.
"Father?" As the voice continued time seemed to slow to a crawl. "The danger in the storm isn't sinking it's losing your course."
Sasha bite her lower lip in confusion. "I don't understand."
The voice continued ..." You're brother gave you the sword as a means of making peace. He made his point to you. Make your point to your enemies and start show them who the Captain really is."
Reality snapped back into plain vision and as it did Sasha could feel her heart pound in her chest. zeroing in on Ironbriar she knew exactly where she was going to make her point.
OOC: Sasha is going to go after Ironbriar attempting something sneaky like a baseball slide where she can impale him. Hopefully this will take the pressure off of Xer and Mal as the cultists will focus in on the distraction of their Lord being impaled.
Xer stumbles slightly almost seeming to slump then focuses using the ring of jump to leap up and back over the cultist that has snuck up behind her. "Not so fast you sneaky little bugger, I am not that easy and you really are not that cute" Landing behind her foe she rears back and strikes with a Gorgon's Fist towards the center of his unprotected back.
Grabbing him by the scruff of his collar she slams her hand down hard on his weapon hand trying to make the War Razor fall.
Using the cultest as a shield she advances on Ironbar again. "Not so fast you full Elves looking down your nose at us Half-Elves.” Throwing kicks and punches around her new shield at Ironbar, Xer seems to show no fear.
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