Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Justice Falls

Knowing that her body cannot withstand another burst of Ironbriar’s murderous light, Xer drops all pretence of defence and launches herself in an athlete’s tackle at his legs. Focused as he is on parrying Sasha’s attacks, and with nowhere else to go, he falls backwards into the wall behind him. Xer wastes no time and immediately reaches for and grabs one of his cart wheeling arms, trying to establish one of the painful joint locks the monks taught her.

As they both hit the floor, Xer is surprised at how light and frail Ironbriar actually is as her small frame carries him off his feet. “Hmm,” a detached part of her mind muses, “guess that means I got my bone structure from my human side. Funny, never thought of myself as a big boned girl.” Then she smells wild flowers again and braces for the end.

But the end does not come. Just as the pain begins, a pale yellow light washes over her. It’s like beginning momentarily submerged in bath water – sound dims and everything is warm. Then it is gone and Ironbriar is cursing at Li Kao, who stands at the back of the room chanting.

It takes Xer about ten seconds more to work the physically weaker Ironbriar into such a restrictive hold that he cannot move, and the party realizes they have a prisoner.

Malvick, Yola and Sasha stand around Ironbriar and Xer, weapons drawn, catching their breath and wondering what to do next. Li Kao returns Ariva to normal size and the two pick their way across the blood soaked room to the others. Ironbriar’s leather mask has fallen off during the struggle and he looks up at the group with unreasoning fury, still struggling against Xer’s arm lock. “hmmm…” muses Li Kao as he studies the elf’s contorted face and unfocused gaze. “Hardly looks like he’s in his right mind does it?” He catches the incredulous looks from his companions and quickly amends himself. “I mean, even for the leader of a cult of insane serial killers, he looks . . . off. I’ve seen men under mind controlling magic before and they have the same sort of look.”


Xer has managed to pin Ironbriar with two successful grapple checks, leaving him helpless as long as Xer maintains the hold. Each round Xer may choose to inflict lethal or non-lethal damage, and the others may take shots at him with a +6 to hit.

Ironbriar’s last negative energy burst inflicted 10hp of dmg ( 5 to those who made their fort save), which was countered by Li Kao’s healing burst which healed everyone of 7hp.


Sasha said...

Sasha nudges him with the tip of her rapier.

"Nice going tiger," she says to Xer "next time we're alone you can use those moves on me." She gives a mischievious wink and turns around on her heel.

"He's not in his right mind? As in like a rabid dog that needs to be put down? Or more like a pyschotic blood thirsty snot that needs to be put down."

"Turning to Li Kao and Yola. This blood-thristy disgusting piece of filth has killed innocent people, ruined the lives of dozens and tried to summon who-knows-what-the-bloody-hell! He targeted me, he's target US and if Seoni were here or even Poot ..."

Sasha can feel the hot tears burning there way through her eyes.

"We should kill him now. No one mourns the wicked anyway. Perhaps his soul will feed whatever dimwitted-imaginary-Gods-he-wants to-stroke-his-ego. I'll even carve a star into him if he wants it so badly."

Sasha puts her blade above Iron Briar's throat and raises it quickly to stab him.

Anonymous said...

Yola stands to Sasha's side, nodding in agreement, her sword at the ready just in case Ironbriar comes back at her.
" Don't worry Sasha, I've got your back, any rabid animal like this deserves this fate"


Xerlena said...

"Sasha I know this might yank me out of your good books, but I think we need to have him go through the proper system. Also if we kill him now we won't find out if your brother is in danger and we need to chase him down."

I apply pressure so that I do non-lethal damage I will attempt to knock him out.

"Can someone get a rope and help secure this mad man?"

With sneer clouding her face. "You might have just cost me a very good night you bastard all for my morals. I hope the city council gives you all that you deserve"

Sasha said...

Sasha places a hand gently on Xers' shoulder and leans softly. "Nothing could ever take you out of my good books."

Brushing Xer's hair from her eyes Sasha grips the end of her rapier tightly and drives it down into Iron Briar's throat.

"If my brother was here he'd have had me do this twice before now. You're sick and you're evil and what you did to Seoni ..."

Sasha feels rage swell into her and twists the blade hearing him gasp.

"If you live another moment there will be only graveyards filled, friends maimed and lives ruined because of our kindness."

Sasha stabs Iron Briar again watching him twist and convulse.

"There is no kindness for you!" With that Sasha stabs Iron Briar a third time and steps back beside Yola watching the blood pool out of his neck.