Sasha and Xer descended the wooden stairs and entered the under mill. Inside, it was dark. Xer’s keen elven eyes picked out the details o the room. The floor was taken up by four large water wheels. The sound of their turning drowned out all other noise. Light spilled from a staircase on the far side leading up to the rest of the mill. The place was otherwise empty.
Yola and Li Kao entered the main floor of the mill. Yola strode into the mill brazenly, surprising the two mill workers lounging about inside. Both jumped to their feet quickly. “Lady,” one of them said. “You shouldn’t be here. Its not safe.” He gestured to the stacks of cut lumber, saw blades, hooks and pulleys all over the room as his companion moved to his left.
Li Kao came in behind Yola and saw the two mill workers, concerned smiles on their faces, moving to the left and right of Yola. Deep baritone chanting could be faintly from above. He saw the tension in the mill workers eyes despite their smiles. Yola saw it too and Li watched her drop into a fighting stance, centring her weight.
“Now gentlemen, lets all keep cool heads here…” Just then a man started to scream in pain from upstairs. The two mill workers nodded to each other and launched themselves at Yola. War razors kept concealed in their sleeves snapped open and flashed in the torchlight. Li Kao had time to mutter an “oh dear” and take a step back before Yola’s own blade snaked out, and the next moments were a blur of steel and blood.
When Sasha and Xer climbed the stairs to the main floor they saw Yola standing, weapon in hand, in the centre of the room. A dead man lay to either side of her. She answered Sasha’s questioning gaze with a shrug, then bounded upstairs towards the screams from above.
Ironbriar’s voice boomed across the room. “Behold brethren, tonight we do not have to hunt the streets for sacrifices, for Father Skinsaw has led his sacrifices to us! Take them!” A dozen war razors snapped open, and a dozen mad-eyed masked men marched on the four companions in the name of the god of murder.
With 18 people and a dog on the scene, things are quite crowded. Characters with the acrobatics skill like Sasha and Xer can attempt to move through enemy occupied squares. Otherwise you have to move around them. Remember that moving more than one square through an area threatened by an enemy provokes a free attack from them.
Initiative Order: Xer and Sasha act first, followed by Ironbriar, then Yola, Malvick and Ariva, then the cultists, then Li Kao.
"This should be fun!" Sasha says gripping her rapier and whip. Darting past everyone she makes her way to the main room and spots the work men.
Sasha will take an attempt at the nearest likely target with her whip and try to pull him off balance allowing one of the other party to take down the entangled henchmen.
OOC: Sasha will wait for Yola and the rest of the time to begin the brunt of the battle and then start stabbing people in the back (bad guys) once the chaos really begins.
Yola with a scream runs to the opposite wall and rages, weapons are drawn and ready to attack
OOC; good thing you said " bad guys" Brett :)
Hmm too bad we can't shift them in a way that they can only come at us one or two at a time while the rest of us can overwhelm them...
Xer will bob and weave looking for opening. I will use my ring of jump to try and jump ahead lay out my flurry of blows attacks on one of the baddies then leap away.
"Yola you are the big numbers killer I will help you as best as I can until we have enough of them down."
My other goal is also to look for openings to grapple a target in order to allow someone else to make a quick kill.
"Ironbriar you dried up corrupted prune. I have come to show you true justice, and payback for your wicked ways."
Malvick has no idea what kind of state his body is in. Depending on how much pain he can take he will struggle against his bonds as best he can to see if there is any type of weak point.
Li Kao will cast a protective ward on an ally that ends up having the most allies adjacent to them.
Most likely Li will be forced to stay behind his allies and cast buff/heals.
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