Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sasha squeezes through the dark tunnels, trying to keep up with Seoni, while behind her, Yola pauses to light a torch.  After about fifteen claustrophobic feet the tunnel opens up again.  Sasha hears hissing and scrabbling sounds from in front of her and stops dead.

Just then Yola's torch flares up and illuminates the scene before Sahsa.  the tunnel before her opens into a small cavern with several other tunnels branch off it.  In the centre stands Seoni, one claw like hand wrapped around the neck of a struggling ghoul.  A second ghoul cowers in the corner.  With a jerk of her arm, Seoni crushes the ghoul's throat, shatters its spine, and tosses the dead thing against the cavern wall.  She then looks up from this momentary distraction and starts off in pursuit once more, ignoring the second ghoul.   

Sasha reacts quickly to the situation, and with a yell charges the remaining ghoul before the thing can make sense of what has happened.  She only manages to graze its shoulder with her rapier point though, as the  ghoul shrieks in fear and rolls away from her attack.  Suddenly, another ghoul looms up from where it had been hiding in a side passage. It rakes Sasha across her back and she finds herself trapped between two ghouls.  Yola is now squeezing through the tight tunnel as fast as she can...

Sasha curses, knowing Seoni gets farther away with each passing moment.  She stabs out at the ghoul in front of her as she tries to step away from the other one, putting he back against the cavern wall.  This time her aim is good and she puts her rapier right through the snarling mouth of her attacker.  She twists her blade back viciously and the ghoul slumps to the ground.  She turns to face the other ghoul just as Yola crashes into it with the force of a runaway ox cart.  The ghoul is lifted off its feet by the strength of her sword swing and its cleaved carcass lands beside Sasha with a wet squelch.  The two women nod to each other, scanning the darkness for other threats.

At this point Malvick makes it to the bottom of the stairs with Ariva.  He sees flickering torchlight from the middle of three tunnels and yells out, "Yola, Sasha, wait! The others are right behind me, wait for us!"  He looks back up the stairs to gauge how far behind Li Kao and Xer are, then with a resigned shrug nocks an arrow to his bow and set off down the tunnel, Ariva behind him.

OOC:  The action initiative still lies with Yola and Sasha.  Do you wait for the others to catch up or forge on ahead, trying to catch up to Seoni?  If you are moving forward, I need to know which one of you is in front - the tunnel is only wide enough for one person at a time. 

Li Kao and Xer:  you will hit the bottom of the stairs on round 4.  You will be able to see the fading green glow of Malvick's faerie ring from the centre tunnel.  Will you be following it straight away or striking off down one of the side tunnels, or will you be pausing to make other preparations or assessments?  Note that Li Kao's detect undead spell will be wearing of any time now

To keep the action rolling, next update will be Friday afternoon... so get those posts in quick!


Xerlena said...

Pausing at the bottom of the stairs Xer takes a quick look around noticing the fading light. "Old man I see the light down that way lets try to pick up the pace and move into a light jog." Darting a glance at the old man.

"Sasha needs me before she puts both feet deep into it. I know that girl and from what I have been seeing she has not changed that much. Still reckless and quick to land in shit."

James said...

Li Kao shakes his wine gourd vigorously, (reactivating a light spell) so the rice wine shines through the skin of the gourd with a soft luminous blue light. He holds the gourd up and looks around at the cavern warily.
"Go on then let's catch up while we still can," Li Kao lets Xer lead as they try and follow the fading light of Malvick's ring.