Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mavlvick, Yola and Sasha all shoulder their way to the back of the room to try and force open the door, Leaving Xer and Li Kao to guard against whatever was approaching through the walls.

First a dozen, then hundreds of tiny pale shapes burst forth from cracks in the northern wall.  Xer squints to make them out in the poor light, and grimaces as she recognizes the bloated forms of rats - afflicted with diseased tumours like the one that the party found in the bathtub up on the main floor.  The creatures continue to pour out of the wall in an neverending wave.  At first they mill about in confusion - nearly blind due to their disease - but after mere seconds begin to scamper towards the group, drawn by the noise of the group trying to force open the door, and the smell of flesh.

Li Kao and Xer kick away the first few that make it to them, but it quickly becomes apparent that that won't work for long.  There are now thousands of rats in the room, moving towards them like a filthy rolling wave.

"So,"  Li Kao calls back over his shoulder, trying to sound casual, "how's that door coming?"

Yola slams into the door for the third time and hears it start to give.  Their efforts are hampered by the mindless hammering of Seoni.  Scratching and wailing at the door as she is, she is makeing it difficult for the others to make a concentrated rush against it ( and no one is too keen on rubbing shoulders with her).  The door jam is begnning to splinter however.    

OOC:  Each character can take 1 action before the rats completely swarm over the entire party.
blue dots = Malvick &Ariva
yellow = Xer
green = Li Kao
red = Yola
orange = Sasha
grey = Seoni
sickly brown squares = sickly hungry rats


James said...

OoC: Sorry I missed out on the last posting. I'll be in Montreal for the next 2 weeks but will be able to post via my iphone.

Li Kao backs up takes a swig of his gourd holding the wine in his mouth. He quickly draws an Iorian pictogram in the air with his index finger which glows with a yellowish light and spits the wine in a geyser from his mouth. As the wine mist hits the glowing finger it transforms into a fan of bright, scintillating colors that wash over many of the rats.

(@Greg: taking note you said "nearly blind" and not completely blind I'm hoping the spell colorspray will still be valid on the rats.)

Sasha said...

Sasha will use her whip and ensnare Seoni and pull her away from the door giving everyone a chance at rushing it without here interfering.


Sasha uncoils her whip and gives it a sharp crack. Looking at the wave of rodents sweat forms on her brow. "Here's my plan. First we move Seoni and then we move the door."

With that Sasha strikes out at her whip trying to wrap it around Seoni.

Anonymous said...

Yola: This damn door isn't budgging, and now we've got sick rats- I HATE UNDEAD!!( Yola uses her rage to move the door open)

Xerlena said...

I break out my container of lamp oil and spray a line of oil between us and the rats. I then attempt to light the lamp oil.

"This is why I think lamp oil is always a handy thing to carry."