Friday, May 28, 2010

Seoni-that-was moves swiftly through the mansion, drawn to her murderous husband's presnence like a moth to lantern light, and the party struggles to keep up.

She sails down the attic stairs, through the twisting hallways of the second floor, and down the main staircase.  She crosses the main hall with the stuffed manticore and dispappears through a door on the opposite side just as Malvick and Ariva are emerging from the stairs.  The ranger has fallen a little behind in his determined ( and likey justified) attempt to guard against unseen threats creeping up behind the group.  "Malvick, this way!  Hurry," Sasha yells to him as she follows Seoni and the others through the door and down the basement stairs.

One after another the group spills out from the stairwell into the mansion's basement kitchen.   A large oak table, its surface covered with mouldy stains and rat droppings sits in the centre of the large room.  Shelves line the walls, and an oversized fireplace dominates the northeast portion of the room.  The shelves along the southwest wall are in a much greater state of disaray, and two one foot wide cracks near the floor lead south into the earth beyond the basement walls.  Several doors are scattered about the kitchen's perimeter.

Seoni stares about the room, then presses her cheek and palms against the cold stone of the east wall, as if listening to something on the other side.  She smiles ( seductively if not for the pale blue lips and blackened gums) and purs, "Ah, there you are husband..." and begins to feel her way along the wall.

There is no light in the basement save for a few stray and strangled beams cast from the stairway to the main floor. Li Kao takes a momment to mutter an incantation and his wine gourd glows with the light of a torch.  Malvick activates the ring found on the Hambly farm, and the room is bathed in an eerie green glow. 

Ariva growls a warning first, then Xer hears it too.  A scratching and twittering noise starts to build from the south west.  "You all can hear that too right?"  Xer asks uncertainly. 

Yola grimaces and nods.  "Yeah, and its getting louder." 

Meanwhile, Seoni has stopped in front of a stout wooden door.  She reaches out to turn the latch, but the door is held firm.  Whether it is locked or swollen shut from disuse cannot be discerned.  Seoni wails in frustration then starts to throw herself bodily against the door.  Her angry screams are almost drowned out by the building wave rodent squeaking coming from the opposite end of the room.

Malvick, standing between the squeaking and the rest of the group calls back over his shoulders,  "Are we going or staying?  What's the plan over there?"

Sasha, standing closest to Seoni, responds, "A plan, yeah, one of those would be helpful right about now."

blue dots = Malvick &Ariva
yellow = Xer
green = Li Kao
red = Yola
orange = Sasha
grey = Seoni
Arrows= growing noise.


Malvick said...

"Well, we've only had so much luck moving forward or getting to where we want to go in this place, so let`s change that. We need to get beyond that door so someone either break it down or we use the corridor as a bottle neck!"

Xerlena said...

"Malvick you look like a good strong specamin of a man why don't you help Seoni out I will try to cover the corridor? I suspect I might need some help if that sound is what I think it is."

Sasha said...

Sasha mutters under her breath wishing there was a plan somewhere in her reptoire right now.

Looking at Yola, Sasha, says "You've got enough muscle for the both of us. Why don't you and Malvrick give it a shot. worse case scenario I can take a look at the lock and see if it's stuck or actually bared. Either way we will know what to do."

Sasha has her rapier drawn and has her lock-picking tools close a hand.

Anonymous said...


Come on Mal, let's get this door open and with a run Yola goes to shoulder up the door to see if she can get it to move.


Malvick said...

Malvick walks quickly over to Yola, "Let's give her a good push. If that doesn't work you can try that giant sword of yours to try to wedge the latch open."

Sasha said...

Sasha throws her weight in with Malvricks and Yola's attempt.