Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mood Music

The party steps into the room, slowly fanning out around the weeping figure.  Sasha steps forward.

"Seoni? Seoni what happened? What did he do? I swear I'll do worse than kill him."  Sasha approaches her with her rapier drawn. "Is it really you? Say something. Tell me something only you would know. Before we came to Sandpoint what did we do on the ship before we arrived?"

The woman does not answer - indeed makes no sign of even knowing others are in the room.  She seem transfixed by her reflecton in the mirror.  Every few momments she looks up into the mirror, then hides he face back in her hands and resumes sobbing.

Closer now, Sasha can see that Seoni's skin is pale and corpse-like, making the blue-black bruising around her through stand out all the more.


James said...

Believing Sasha's on the right track Li Kao gives her room to continue. Li Kao tries to assess what kind of undead Seoni is. If she's something nasty like a ghoul or vamp, he will be all the more ready to smack her upside the head with some righteous fury. If she seems to be ethereal or ghost like perhaps they can help her find peace. Perhaps Sasha can convince her to lead them to Aldern.

Greg Stewart said...

(Li Kao's knowledge religeon check): She is definitely corporeal, not ethereal like a ghost. But she shows more presence of mind than most physical undead you have encountered, and the fact that she has not leapt up to attack you suggests that she is like the evil scarecrow ghouls. She is definitely not at peace.

Anonymous said...

Xer comments. "Breaking the mirror might be a very good idea in this case." I see if I can find something that I can use to break the mirror with.