Friday, April 23, 2010

**Mood Music**

Yola storms to the door, clearly unnerved by the attack from the haunted manticore and frustrated at being unable to face a flesh and blood foe. She throws open the main door, steps onto the portico, then stops dead in her tracks.

“Uh, guys?” she whispers, the anger draining from her voice to be replaced with dread. “You need to see this.”

A thousand avian eyes turn as one to look at her as she steps back into the house. On every stone of the ruined outbuilding, and lining the path to the manor perch hundreds of silent ravens, all staring in unison at the group sheltered in the manor’s doorway.
Li Kao moves past the others to stand next to Yola. His sight still augmented by the magical scroll, he sees the auras of undeath surrounding each bird. They cover the outbuilding like a black carpet. . .


Anonymous said...

I suspect we are going to have to deal with the problem in here before we try to leave. Man I have always hated ravens.

Malvick said...

Malvick spots the birds from his place in the room and doesn't need any spells to tell him that they need to "Get those doors closed right now!"

Anonymous said...

Yola shuts the doors quickly, o.k. then I guess we have to deal with the evil stuff in here first before we deal with the evil stuff out there.


Deres said...

Sasha helps slam the door and barricade it with a bench. "This is going from the insane to the ridiculous."