Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Following Yola’s lead, the party ignores the rest of the main floor and ascends the twisting staircase to the second floor. After following the hallway at the top, they find themselves in an oddly shaped foyer with many doors leading off of it. The party stands quietly for a moment, unsure in the face of so many directions. Kao eventually sighs and shrugs. “Well, it is a well known fact that when exploring haunted mansions, one should always start with the south west corner. So, in this case,” he says, spinning around and pointing, “the door on the left.” With that he strolls down the hall, pauses for dramatic effect, then cracks open the south west door with a faux grimace. When nothing jumps out at him or explodes, he turns back to the others with a grin and a shrug, and opens the door fully.

The bedroom on the other side features a child-sized bed, a chair next to a toy box, and a looming stone fireplace big enough for a child to get lost in. From inside the room comes the sound of a child sobbing…

OOC: Li Kao has been studying the manor and the odd noises and manifestations that have occurred. Using his Knowledge:Religeon skill, he has deduced that there is definitely an undead manifestation within the manor, but it is unlike anything he has encountered before. He is unable to tell if it is caused by a single undead entity or many, or even the house itself.


deres said...

Sasha enters the room with her Rapier drawn. The sounds of sobbing echo from the fireplace. Looking at Xer she gives her a playful shrug.


"It's ugly." A younger Sasha says to her father holding up the hand sized angler fish.

"Yes, but it's smart." Her father laughed.

"You see, Sasha. If the other fish saw the great big teeth on this thing they would all run away."

"You mean, 'swim'" she corrected him.

"Clever, girl. Yes, swim. So what he does his he hangs this little light in front to trick the other fish. See they think it's food and when they get too close ... SNAP .. he's got them."

"I don't get it?" She says. "Then why are you going to see the merchant Vines?"

"Because the Angler fish pretends to give the other fish what they want then it kills them. Merchant Vines, did the same thing to your uncle. He tricked him and now your uncle has lost his ship."

"So what are you going to do Daddy?"

Sasha could feel her father pat her on the head and smile as he handed her the dead angler fish.

"I'm going to do to him what I did to the angler, sweetie."

That night Sasha stood in front of the merchants large house and listened to the screams and pleas for mercy. She remembers the sound of furniture being smashed and glass breaking. When her father came out there was blood on his knuckles and her was rubbing his jaw.

In that moment Sasha had never been more proud of her father.

He was a hero.


Xer this may or may not be a trap. Either way I'm going in there. Sasha gets down on her hands and knees and with her Rapier drawn and inches carefully close.

"Xer, one more thing. Stop, looking at my ass. This is awkward enough. She flashes Xer a quick smile then returns to the task at hand."

Malvick said...

Malvick gives Li a quick wink and then turns in Sasha's direction, "Don't worry Sasha, I've got your ass covered!"

Ariva remained at his side ready for a command.

Anonymous said...

"But it is such a cute ass Sasha hey and look Malvick seems to be focused on it as well." I help out in searching the fireplace. "You know I wonder if they have hidden anything under that bed?"