Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The party heads into the ruined out-building. It is clear that it these low, toppled stone walls are all that is left of a building consumed long ago by fire. You startle a few more sickly looking crows which flap away awkwardly with indignant caws as you approach the well. The well’s shaft is about 100’ deep and you can just make out the reflection of murky water at its bottom.

From here the party moves on to the manor itself, taking Xer’s advice and approaching from the side doors to the north. The doors prove to be locked, but the flower and thorns key Sasha took from the ghoul at the farmhouse (most likely the missing groundskeeper Craesby) fits perfectly and opens the doors.

Beyond is an oak-panelled chamber. It must once have been breathtaking, but is a sad sight now – the floor boards are warped with moisture and the panelling is scratched and splotchy with mould. A once magnificent chandelier lies smashed on the floor, while frescoes depicting dancing scenes have been ruined by rot and are barely recognizable. A grand piano, its surface stained and keys warped, leans tiredly in the southeast corner. Two doors exit the parlour – one in the western wall, another in the south. Four grime-encrusted windows let some light into the dank room.

Malvick leads the way into the room and the rest follow, fanning out cautiously. Yola reaches out and runs a finger across the dusty piano, which explodes into sudden music. The piano plays a lively but discordant Varisian folk song. The startled party stares at the piano, hands still on weapons, and it takes a moment for the others to realize that Malvick has started dancing to the music.

The taciturn ranger seems to be swept up in the arms of some invisible dance partner, turning round and round in rapidly increasing pirouettes and leaps across the room.

* * *

Malvick, CLICK HERE.

Everybody else – What do you do?


James said...

Li Kao immediately lights several sticks of incense and begins a deep throated chant as he wafts the smoke over his party members.

((Li Kao casts Protection from Evil and then the cantrip detect magic to try and ascertain what they're dealing with the piano itself a cursed item, etc.))

deres said...

Sasha's eyes go wide with horror as she takes several steps back as Malvick begins dancing.

Feeling her muscles still raw and ache from the bite and fever she steadies herself.

Looking over at Li Kao she curses herself for being out of her league. Turning to Xer she uncoils her whip, "I hate it when people mess with our friends. Call it Piano or Dance Partner. Who do you want?"

Anonymous said...

Yola takes Sasha hint about the piano and starts to wreck the piano.


deres said...

Seeing Yola run towards the Piano Sasha decides to run towards the spot where Malvick's would be dance partner is and starts screaming as she brandishes her rapier.