Monday, March 29, 2010


The momment Malvick starts dancing, Li Kao begins to chant and cast spells.  First he raises a ward against evil around himself then quickly casts detect magic and scans about the room, looking for the source of the strangeness.  After a few seconds he shouts to the others, "I can't see anything.  There's nothing there!"

Yola begins to smash at the piano with her sword, trying to silence the eerie music.  As she does, Sasha runs up and tries to interpose herself between Malvick and his invisible dance partner, trying to frighten whatever it is away with sreams and threats.  She cannot see of feel anything near the ranger, but can see a look of mounting horror in his eyes before she knocked aside as Malvick continues to whirl around the room.

Finally Yola reduces the piano to a pile of wreckage and the ghostly music fades away.  Malvick abruptly falls to his knees.  He looks up to his companions in confusion.  His face is pale and he looks exhausted.

* * *

After Malvick has recover somewhat and describes his experience to the others, the party continues deeper into the manor.  First the group tries the western door.  It leads into a simple washroom.  An ancient metal washtub stands to the west, a ring of mildew crusting its inner surface.  A strange, furtive scratching comse from inside the tub.

Sasha and Xer edge cautiously to the tub, and a pitiful and horrific sight greets their eyes.  Inside is a rodent the size of a cat, whose face and back are dripping, pulsing mass of raw tumours and sores.  The rat is blind; the tumors having grown over its eyes.  But it can smell the two women approach, and begins shrieking and squeaking in a frenzy, desperately jumping and scratching at the side of the tub, trying to claw its way up.

Sasha sudders in disgust and skewers the diseased thing on the end of her rapier, where it squeals and twitches pitifully for a momment before finally dieing.

The party moves back into the parlour and throws open the  south door, which opens onto a hallway.  There is a door directly opposite the parlour, and another at the end of the hall to to the west.


Anonymous said...

"Hey Sasha mind checking the closest door first?" Looking at the others. "This place seems to be full of some strange things."

Anonymous said...

Yola stands to the side with her sword at the ready


deres said...

Sasha looks at Malvick and Li Kao. "On one condition if anyone gooses me while I'm doing this I swear I'll I drive my rapier down their throat. Got it."

Sasha sees Yola smirk remembering the incident with Poot several life times ago. Sasha glares and watches Yola change her expression minimally.

As she turns around she sees Xer move in behind her.

"That goes double for you Xer."

Sasha flashes her canine teeth and then takes out her picks and begins to work on the door with her Rapier at her side.

James said...

Li Kao continues his mantras under his breath as the party members lead on...vaguely wondering if 'goosing' involves an actual goose.

James said...

Li Kao places a protective ward on the party (totally forgetting about my class abilities). And the next thing we encounter (invisible or not) I want to use knowledge:religion or Lore Keeper ability to identify what we're dealing with. Hopefully this will be more effective than my previous brilliant assessment of "there's nothing there". :)