Thursday, February 4, 2010

The party discusses their next move. Malvick does a quick search of the area but can’t find any salvageable arrows. He composes a quick message the Hemlock requesting aid, healing, and a cart, and then casts animal messenger on a nearby crow. So charmed, the bird dutifully waits while Malvick secures the parchment to its leg, then flies off, an image of the Sandpoint garrison filling its mind. Sasha takes out her three light healing potions. She passes two to Yola and downs one herself. The two women immediately feel stronger.

Horran and Grump aren’t much help in planning out the next move. Horran is in bad shape, and keeps slipping in and out of consciousness. Grump has visited the Hambley’s many times, but says, “Crade was a copper pinching bastard. Saw the inside of his barn a few times, but the paranoid old bugger never invited me into his house for a drink in all the years I knew him.” Grump does mention that the Hambley barn was built around a huge stone head, known locally as “The Stone Warrior.”

With little else to go on, and not liking their exposed position in the middle of the field, the party decides to scout out the Hambley homestead. On their way they find another scarecrow pole, the slumped form of Lettie Guffman, bound and hooded, dangling from it. They cut the woman down and find that she is alive, but in even worse shape than her husband.

While the party tends to Lettie, Xer and Sasha creep as close to the homestead as they dare. After about ten minutes they slink back to the others and report: The barn is a large L-shaped building. The main doors are swinging open in the wind. It looks deserted. A little south of the barn is the family home. It is a small one-story log cabin with a covered porch running the length of the front. There is a second entrance in the back. While it too looks deserted, Xer thinks she saw some movement through the poor quality smoky glass window.

Malvick is torn as to what to do. They are now responsible for too very sick people who cannot even move on their own let alone defend themselves. Also, Malvick can tell that Grump is still on the verge of panic, and fears that he may bolt again at the first sign of trouble. It has been about half an hour since he sent his message. It takes about two and a half hours to march from Sandpoint to where they are now, so assuming the crow flew straight to Sandpoint without stopping, it would be at least that long, plus whatever time it took Hemlock to organize an expedition, before they could expect help.


deres said...

"I'm a big believer of any port in the storm. Right now that farm house looks to be the most defensible position here and I don't know about everyone else but we aren't going to be getting back to Sandpoint soon."

Sasha looks at Xer and then Malvrick.

"I can't imagine them getting to us too quickly. Yola and I trained them but their mostly new recruits and if they figure out which way is up then it's a good day for them."

Greg Stewart said...

Weasel looks crestfallen at Sasha's comment. "Hmmf" He walks away and scratches Ariva behind the ears

Malvick said...

Malvick moves over to Sasha to whisper in her ear, "Come on Sasha, we're rough as it is. You need to keep moral up as a leader here. We have to keep everyone's spirits up."

Turning away he addresses the rest, "I agree with Sasha, but we need to scout the area first. Who can go clear out that farm house, if necessary, and who will stay here with the civilians?"

ooc: Malvick will go to Weasal and Wertz later to thank them for their help and say that Sasha is under stress like everyone else. Everyone counts in this situation.

deres said...

"You're right Malvrick. It's not positive and it's not upbeat: but it's true. Sometimes when you're dealt a crap hand the best way to play it is to say, 'I have a crap hand'. Let's see what damage I can do with it."

Sasha looks at Weasel and Wertz sitting off by themselves looking pitiful.

"If I seem curt with you please forgive me. We have wounded with us and the last thing we need is to exchange them for more dead. My thoughts are of them."

Sasha things painfully back to the bodies in the morgue and shudders.

"But you're right we also do a bit of hope. There's more likely to be food and a better night's sleep in the house. Right now a little bit of success will breed even more. What are your thoughts?"

Anonymous said...

Xer saunters over to Weasel putting a swing into her step on reaching her victim she casually runs her fingers over his shoulder and down his arm.

"Now Weasel dear don't worry about Sasha she can be so grumpy some days, but if you tickler her in the right way all that grump goes away." She ends the comment with a wry smile and strolls back over to a slightly steamed Sasha.

"We have been through worse crap than this Sasha and while it is always hell at the time it means more drinking when it is all over. The cleric is always crying about Irori this and Irori that his job is to preach and worry, but my job is to hold the balance of mind and body while kicking ass so let's go clear out that house and get a good night sleep."