Friday, November 6, 2009

The good natured Nisk takes Sasha's coins and hands over the potions:  5 healing potions of various strength, a vial of acid, and a vial of antitoxin.  He directs her to Goblin Squash Stables, assuring her that the cantankerous Daverin Hosk who runs it can take care of her whip.  Hosk agrees to the task.  He finishes the job in about a week and charges 270gp - a fee he assures Sasha is notably lower than he would normally charge, on account of her goblin slaying, of which he whole heartedly apporves.

Yola decides to get in on the gold spending action and asks Savah if she has anything that she could use.  Savah custom orders the finest two bladed sword available from Magnimar.  It costs 650gp to bring it in, but is well worth it.  It is made of finely ground steel and is a much more fluid design than her old weapon.

Patrolling with the Sheriff's men for the rest of the summer proves fairly routine, with only the occasional skirmish with goblin looters or refugees.  The highlight of the tour occus when Sasha has to settle a dispute between one of the outlying lumber mills and its neighbors, who complain that its operating well past dark and keeping them up.


Deres said...

Sasha wiped the sweat from her forehead after training another batch of green militia men.

"You're getting good with those blades, Yola. Still, a fight doesn't seem right without a whip in hand."

Sasha, kicks a stone down the path narrowly missing some geese.

"Wait until you meet Xer. She's a little tame but she's good in a fight and twice as useful for getting out of and into a tight squeeze."

Sasha shot the barbarian a sly wink. "How are things going with the Tavern and the family? I envy you. I hate to say it but aside from my father I almost miss my brothers."

Sasha kicks another stone this catching a goose square in the bottom along with a torrent of honking abuse. "You're lucky I guess. I don't know, but patrolling is boring me out of my skull. It's good exercise but I'm getting tired showing these 'kids' which end of sword is meant to go where?"

I was thinking of maybe taking a look in town and seeing if there was something more 'interesting.' I've heard bounty hunting pays but in this town I'd doubt there's much business.

OOC: Sasha is growing despondent waiting for Xer and falling into 'routine'. She'll spend time hunting the local card games for excitement. She will also investigate the last spot where she say the sorceress who burnt her whip. Investigating the ruins and hopefully running across Brodart Quint and learning something about archelogy.

Anonymous said...

Yola straightens up after knocking the last of the trainees on their knees, fear in his eyes, scorn on her face.

Oi, up and a'them eh! Yola holds out her hand to the young man, and pulls him up to his feet, not bad dearie, but we need to work on your reflexs some more - tomorrow is good, see you here - 11 sharp. And with that she walks over to Sasha who's looking so bored and tired that Yola thinks to herself " I'm amazed that she stayed behind"

Sasha, let's go over to the inn and get some food, I'm starving. Sasha mumbles something along the lines of sure, and says - how's the inn doing, sometimes I miss my brothers.

" well it's fine for know, while we are here, uncle isn't too keen on me doing any cooking or cleaning which is fine, I'd rather be helping out with the drunks at night - more fun that way" Yola winks at Sasha.

After sitting down for a meal with Sasha, Yola says " what's this Xer like? known her long? "

deres said...

Sasha picks at her food and takes a bite off some of the venison.

"Your Uncle has a nice place. I know what you mean about the drunks. Sometimes I swear they can give ore of a challenge then the recruits."

Sasha pours two mugs of ale and slides one across the table to Yola.

"Xer, I think you'd like her. She's feisty and we would run together as kids and get into trouble."

Sasha takes a mouthful of ale and smiles getting a chance to know Yola and share some of her stories.

"She was adopted into this monastery I don't know a lot about it. Xer, would sneak out every could of nights and we would sneak into local tavern's and explore the parts of the city were the 'grown ups' told us were too dangerous."

Sasha looks over Yola's shoulder as a pair of happy drunks begin singing an off-key sailing ballad.

She nods to Yola who turns around and keeps an eye on them.

"When we got a bit older I started seeing less of her. We always wanted to have an adventure. The monks mellowed her out. I got involved with the Gargoyles at the same time she started getting 'serious'. But when things got bad for me she was the first person by my side through thick and thin."

Sasha smiles at Yola. "You're kinda like too. Maybe the too of you have more in common then you might imagine."

Sasha finishes her ale. As she does a loud crash is heard as the two drunks are being badgered by one of the new recruits Yola and she had been training earlier.

"Crap, do you want to get this one Yola?"

Anonymous said...

Oh for the love of... (sigh) Yola stands up and goes over to the drunk and the recruit.

Hands on hips (yola normal stance) and looks at the drunk on the floor with the recruit on the floor as well

What am I going to do about you now, Weasel, it's bad enough I have to discpline you in the training circle but here as well - sigh

Sasha - Yola calls over her shoulder - get the drunk out to the street with his buddy and I'll deal with Mr. I'm so tough here and now, and saying that Yola takes a back hand swing to Weasel - enough to knock him down and throws him out in the street.

Yola and Sasha stand there in the doorway of the inn - yola nods to Sasha - so your friend Xer, good in a fight is she?

deres said...

Sasha finishes sending the drunk on his way.

"Yur reelly ish purdy fer a boi."

"Uh, huh. Listen Tobias you have to stop drinking yourself silly whenever you have coin in your purse. Sally is going to kill you."

"Gersh, yur right butt shesssh the wan dat sent me heres."

Sasha slaps her forehead as Tobias drunkly wanders home.

Turning to Yola. "She was ok when we were running together. I mean she's not as good as you or me. She has some street moves and a few things the monks taught her. But it's been so long. She's always the think first and act second type. It's not a bad combination but everything has a time and a place."

Sasha looks back at the bar as the singing and drinking continues.

"The night seems quiet. What about Weasel do you think he's finally learned?"