Thursday, October 29, 2009

Parting of the Ways

"Are you sure you won't stay?"  Sasha did her best to keep her voice from cracking as she asked the question.

"No lass,"  Poot said. "This town's grown too small for me.  Are you sure won't come with us?"

Sasha bit her lip, "I...can't. "  The plan was for Poot and Gerund to escort the borrowed militia back to their home garrison in Magnimar, then for Gerund to return to Windsong Abby.  But Magnimar held too many bad memories...and too many loose ends, for Sasha to return there now.  "I kind of like it here," Sasha said unconvincingly, "you know, without the goblins.  Ameiko's given me a room at the Rusty Dragon for as long as I want it, and besides, I've got Seoni and Yola to keep me company."

"Actually,"  Seoni piped up from the back of her horse, "I've decided to go with these two.  There's so much to learn in a big town like Magnimar - They don't call it the city of monuments for nothing.  Mabye I'll look up that Foxglove fellow we saved.

Sasha hid her disappointment and scowled, "Fine, well I still have Yola to keep me company." Yola scowled right back and made a harumph sound, consent or disapproval, Sasha wasn't sure.

Poot laughed merily, "Well then I know my hometown is in good hands!  Farewell ladies!  I'm sure our paths will cross again!"   With that  the little caravan got underway.  Sasha kiched at the dirt and called out.  "Poot, remember to deliver that letter I gave you!  Xer, you'll find her in Rag's End!"

Never fear lass!"  the little halfling hollarred back from the wagon, "Poot the Prodigeous is on the job!"

So starts the next chapter of Rise of the Runelords.  Sasha and Yola have about a month of summer left.  Feel free to do with that time as you like.  Shop, get a job, loaf about town. . . its up to you.  Some  options include:  Administration:  You work closely with mayor Deverin and her staff.  Business: open a business in town, or work with an existing business owner.   Find Religeon:  Voulunteer your time at the church with Father Zanthus.  Patrol:  Join Sheriff Hemlock and help patrol the town and surrounding area.  Research:  Befriend local historian Brodart Quint and help him research the ancient ruins in and around town.

And make sure you check out the links in the side bar to the left.  The stories of two new characters start here ( Welcome aboard Mike and Richard).  You can visit the Chpt 1 site to read a summary of what has gone before, and there is a link to all the shops and markets of Sandpoint for those who want to spend some gold.


Anonymous said...


Well Sasha, what do you have in mind to do for the summer, I'm going to work over at the inn with my uncle for a few days in exchange for room and board, and then I shall get this milita into some shape by working with the Sheriff.

So what do you have in mind, are you going to leave or are you sticking around, I'm sure that you and I could whip the militia up. What do you say?

deres said...

Sasha turns to Yola and bites her lower lip. Feeling the warmth on her skin she sees Sheriff Hemlock striding down the street. He gives both Yola and Sasha a nod of his head as he continues on his way.

"Speak of the Devil and he always appears."

I was thinking about getting a little part-time work doing some patrols. I mean I hate to think we made it this far just to ... who am I kidding I can't sit still and in a place like this there isn't much to do."

Sasha pulls out the scorched handle to her whip. "I also need to get this looked at it. That bitch burned it to a cinder. I mean ... she didn't get to the hilt but still it's important to me."

Sasha wraps the hilt gently back in a piece of cotton fabric. "I'm going to check in and see what they offer in terms of weapons here. Possible take in some local card-games. I have a debt to settle?"

Sasha looks over her shoulder hearing Sheriff Hemlock bark orders a bunch of young recruits as he leads back down the street.

"So what do you say, Yola: some patrolling, breaking in some cute new recruits and a little shopping? It could be fun right?"

deres said...

OOC: Sasha will get her whip fixed, improved, made whole with a dash of Masterwork in their if possible. During the summer she'll partake in the local card games and run patrols withe good Sheriff and Yola.

OOC: Sasha is hoping Poot doesn't mess up so Xer can get to here ASAP.

deres said...

Sasha continues speaking with Yola as they make there way to Nisk's shop. Pushing the door open a small bell rings gingerly.

Nisk's wide smile and freckled face couldn't help remind Sasha of the taverns cat when he had just stolen one of the customers fish.

"Good Afternoon my fair and wonderful customers!"

Sasha demurely skims over the famous concoctions and vials.

"Nisk, do you have anything that heals?" Sasha asks casually.

Moments later Nisk has several bottles of Cure light and moderate wounds in front of her. "I just got these in."

"Great, I'll buy them."

"Which ones?"

"All of them," Sasha says.

Also waits this. "She holds up a vial of a greenish hue. Anti-toxin. Not all the things in sandpoint are as loving as the goblins. The other one you're fondling my dear is acid."

"Put them both in there as well."

"While I'm at it I need a whip that needs to be tended to. Any chance you would be able to help me?"

Nisk takes a look at it and sighs.

"You certainly are hard on your toys."

"Well, Nisk if I wasn't who would buy from you?"

Sasha flashed him a winning smile. "If the answer's 'no' then I'll take that bow off of your hands."

Nisk turns back to Sasha. "Well, you do have excellent taste."