Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rumble at the Sawmill - Part 1

Xer whispered to Sasha and Yola ahead of her, "If you ladies can punch me a hole through this mob, I'll wipe that idiot grin off Ironbriar's face."

Yola nodded and adjusted her grip on her blade, then stepped out into the room full of cultists with a blood curdling Shoanti warcry.  She ran several steps across the front of the mob, inviting several of them to take wild swings at her as she went by, then unexpectedly pivoted backwards and swiped her blade in a vicious arc.  The feint worked - an over eager cultist who had stepped in behind her clutched at his torn stomach and collapsed to the floor.

Sasha glanced back at her friend.  She drew a dagger and handed it to Xer.  "Just remember to save Malvick while you're back there."  With that she darted out into the room,  trying to stay behind Yola.  She raised her hand overhead and the leather crack of her whip could be heard as it snaked out and pulled a cultist behind the one Yola had just felled off his feet.  " How's that for an opening?"  She yelled back to Xer.

"That will do nicely!" she retorted, then sprang into action with a blur.  She ran past the dead cultist, and used the second as a springboard as he struggled to get to his feet.  Her natural agility aided by her magic ring, she spiralled over the next cultist . War razors reached from every direction for her, and at least one found its mark.  Blood spattered down, But Xer came up on her feet beside a very surprised Ironbriar.  The Justice raised his hands as if to cast a spell.  Xer struck out with a straight fingered punch to the much taller elf's throat, and he staggered back, sputtering.

Meanwhile, the cultists who hadn't been taken off guard by Xer's acrobatics surged forward, slashing.  Yola parried several blows, and felt another glance off her steel breatsplate.  Sasha was forced to drop her whip and fell back from two more attackers attempting to flank her.  Then reality itself seemed to warp as Li Kao came around the corner, mumbled baritone incantations falling from his lips.  Suddenly a large portion of the room's floor simply disappeared.  Three cultists tumbled into the extra-dimensional space Li had conjured up, a fourth managing to jump to safety.  The edges of the magical pit were indistinct and shifting, threatening to send those standing at its edge down its steep sides as well.

The remaining cultists, now split up by the pit, hesitated...

So, I hope no one minds , but I decided to force the party into a little more aggressive tactics for the opeing of this scene, and show off what some of your characters are capable of.  Xer using her sky high acrobatics skill to move through enemy squares and deliver a stunning fist to Ironbriar before he could cast a spell, for example.  And Li Kao showing of his cool new spell, Create Pit.  Tactics like that, whileheroic and cinamatic, are not without risk - Even with Sasha and Yola clearing two goons out of the way, Xer pulled six attacks of opportunity, one of which connected for 4 HP damage.


Greg Stewart said...

The three red dots to the lower left side of the map are the cultists that fell into the pit. They are wounded but alive. The pit is 20' deep and will last for a max of 3 rounds, before everybody in it is raised harmlessly back to ground level. Anyone who ends their turn adjacent to it must make a reflex save or fall over the shifting side.

Malvick said...

Don't forget about Ariva. She was at the back of the group in a previous post.

Sasha said...

"My little girl is growing up," Sasha says to Yola.

Grabbing the vile of acid from her tunic she looks toward the cultists in front of her. She sees his double take when she winks at him and purses her lips just before she throws the vial with her full force toward his head. Gripping her Rapier tight Sasha lunges toward the floor trying to knock the cultist into the pit behind him.

OOC: Sasha will scream at the cultist as she tries to send him reeling. Note she not attempting to football spear him and will try hard not to go over into the pit with him.

Anonymous said...

Yola disembowls the cultist next to her then steps into that space so she doesn't fall into the pit.
(towards the wall)


Xerlena said...

Xer darts in and cuts Malvick free of his bonds. Hand plants on the table stradling Malvick and throws a double kick at Ironbar.

Finish the move by landing on the table between Ironbar and Malvick. I break out a stunning fist attack against Ironbar.

"Let's see how well you do against a ready foe Ironbar."