Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Li Kao rose from his seat with some effort and patted Malvick on the back, "and in answer to your question my boy... It is our problem because we make it our problem. Not because we protect the innocent but because we choose to protect our fellow, flawed, ugly and sinful brothers and sisters in our shared struggle to achieve perfection. And if you don't buy that, then do it because you're raking in booty hand over fist."

At that Li Kao belches and staggers off.
The rest of the companions spend a few more minutes discussing various theories then one by one retire to their rooms for the night.  As Xer gets up to leave, Sasha catches a glint of metal around her waist as her cloak falls to the side.  "Hey, what's that?" she asks her friend.
"Oh," Xer seems a little sheepish.  "I, uh, liberated this from Brother Po."  She said, showing Sasha the wide leather belt with several interlocking silver buckles that form an image of crossed fists.  "I grabbed it from the back of his chair on my way out the window."
"Why Xer, you're turning into quite the little burglar!" Sasha teased approvingly. 
"Its not like that!"  Xer snapped defensively.  "I was  . . . am... really angry at the monastery for selling me out like that, and well..."  Xer trailed off.
"No need to explain to me dear," Sahsa soothed.  Believe me I understand.  It looks good on you anyway.
"That's the thing.  When I put it on I feel stronger.  I think its magical."   
Sasha whistled in appreciation as the two headed upstairs.  "Stealing the good stuff, you're a natural at this."
"I didn't steal it!"

Li Kao spends the next day moving through the city's several libraries trying to dig up every scrap of information he can on the Foxgloves, the brothers of seven, the Sihedron rune and the civilization of ancient Thassilon from which it comes.  (To find out what Li Kao discovers, click HERE

Meanwhile, Malvick and Yola investigate the Seven's Sawmill mentioned in Aldern's leger.  The mill itself is located on the outskirts of the city and seems normal enough, with workers coming and going throughout the day.  Logs go in, timber of various shapes and sizes comes out.
Some discreet questions around the district reveals that the mill is owned by an old but low profile mercantile consortium known as the brothers of seven. The consortium are not major players on Magnimar's economic landscape, and no one remembers anything remarkable about the group, but when pressed, no one can identify any of its specific members either.  
Xer and Sasha are left to their own devices for most of the day for most of the day.  Lunch time finds them cooling their heels at the inn over a meal of bread and cheese.  "So Po suggested Ironbriar was behind getting you kicked out of the monastery?"  Sasha asked.
"Yeah, sort of.  Po seemed really scared of him and definitely thought there was more going on."
Sasha steepled her fingers and thought.  "Do you think he could be connected to the cult?  I mean, he showed up at the monastery when you guys showed an interest in Silas, and then Silas becomes one of the murder victims, but you're the only one that knows that because the whole mission burned up, including Silas' body.  Hey, maybe you and I should pay the good Justice Ironbriar a visit."
Just then a courier found them and interrupted their conversation by depositing a long oil cloth wrapped bundle on their table.
"Package for Sasha Heidmarch."  the courier announced.
"What!? I'm Sasha but don't you dare use that name around me."
The courier looked confused.  "Sasha, sister of Joxian Heidmarch?"
"Yes, but..."
"Then you're the right Sasha.  Sign here please."
Sasha pushed the package aside.  "You tell that ass of a brother he can keep his ..." 
Xer interrupted by placing a hand on Sasha's wrist.  "At least see what it is," she urged.

Sasha sighed heavily and unwrapped an end of the bundle.  Her eyes widened as she took in the most exquisitely detailed rapier hilt she had ever seen.  "There's a note too"  The courier handed her a piece of folded parchment.

"Dear Sasha,

 Please accept this gift.  It is an Aldori dueling blade from far off Brevoy.  I am told it was actually wieled by one of the swordlords of Restov.  From Jtailian's description you can probably put it to better use  than I.

My ship leaves on a quick run to Korvosa this midday and I shall be away for several weeks, but I would very much like to meet when I return.  Family, true family, should protect each other, don't you think?

Captain of the Red Gull"

"Well?"  The courier was growing impatient.  "You want it or not?"


OOC:  So I noticed something when looking at the characters a while ago.  You guys are horribly under-equipped.  PFRPG assumes a certain amount of loot per level spent on new and shiney adventuring gear to keep players competetive with the progressively more lethal monsters they face, and for whatever reason, y'all have fallen behind the curve.  Solution:  introduce some goodies.  Rather than just hand them out like presents, or work them into monster loot ( encounters are months apart in real time), I'm introducing them here and there, but I'm trying to work a little RP challenge into each one.  For example the first was Yola's new double blade, Shifter's Sorrow - a legacy weapon from her tribe, its powers only activate when she meets certain challenges ( the first time she faced a shapeshifter) and create opportunity to discover her culture and history.  This week Xer picks up a Belt of Physical Might ( +2 to STR and CON) but she obtained it through a most unlawful act that highlights her steady slide away from the discipline ( lawful alignment) that she must maintain to continue growing as a monk.  And Sasha, well, we'll see what Sasha does...


Sasha said...

Sasha looks at Xer and looks back at the blade.

"It is beautiful." Sasha bites her lower lip and gives the dueling blade a few playful swipes.

Looking to Xer and then to the courier she turns back to the sword and fails to restrain her grin.

"Well, I mean I guess this is the closest I'll probably get to an apology."

"And it's a nice apology." Xer chirps in.

Sasha nods.

"Well you did get that nice belt and at least this way we would match."

"I don't think they actually go together."

Sasha smiles with her teeth clenched and Xer takes a step back.

"I said 'we match'"

Xer nods. "Right, we totally match."

With that Sasha signs for the package sheathes her new rapier and gives the courier and flirtatious wink.

"Ironbar, visit?" She says to Xer. "There's something not adding up."

James said...

((I posted on the Li Kao link. My bad.))

Sasha said...

Before the courier is out the door Sasha adds in "Tell him I'll meet him when he returns. Then we will determine if we're true family or not."

After the courier leaves Sasha smiles at Xer and takes a look at her belt. "

How do you think Li Kao, Yola and Malverick are getting on? More importantly Sasha adds ... how are we getting on? You've seem a little ... on edge since we've been back."

Xerlena said...

lips turned down in a slight frown. "I am not sure what possessed me to take this. I know I should not have done this at all."

Shacking her head. "How do you feel about a quick side trip to the monastery I might leave a donation with a note. I know it does not pay it all back, but it is a start."

Eyeballing the sword

"After we visit the monastery we can pay a little surprise visit to Ironbar and see what he knows. Bring him to justice if that is required."

Malvick said...


As Malvick and Yola exit the mill Malvick let's out a long sigh.

"Let's hope the others were more successful in their looking about. I'd hate for this entire day to go to waste.

"Back to the inn?"

Malvick said...

Saw the strangest thing today...