Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome To Magnimar!

"Ah Magnimar," Li Kao exclaimed, sucking in a breath of air and exhaling dramatically.  "The City of Monuments; forever seeking to rise from its ignoble beginnings as a refuge for outcasts to become a beacon of culture and freedom in an unforgiving land.  Founded by Chelaxian dissidents in 4608 AR, the city is. . . "

"Okay, old man, enough,"  Xer interrupted.  "We've all lived in Magnimar before.  We know all the history.  Second largest city in Varisia; The battle of Charda; Centre of cultural freedom; blah blah blah."  Xer and Sasha had both grown up on Magnimar's streets, and Li Kao and Malvick had come here later in life, each fleeing their own history.

"Well," Li Kao responded defensively, " she hasn't."  He waved over to Yola.  The stoic Shoanti was doing her best not to stare wide eyed at the bustling streets.

"Yes," Xer conceded, placing a hand on the taller woman's shoulder and guiding her along with the rest of the group. "And I'm sure the burning question on her mind upon visiting the big city for the first time is when the Arvensoar was built," she chided as she gestured up to the 500 foot tower built into the seacleft wall that housed the city's watch and military."

"Actually, that sounds . . . "

Xer placed he hand over Yola's mouth and smiled. "don't encourage him dear, trust me."


The group had doused Aldern's body and set the foul thing alight, then headed back to the surface.  The undead birds had dispersed, fleeing in disorganized groups like the ghoulish goblin once deprived of Aldern's binding influence.  Despite thier attempts, Yola and the others could not get the wet and rotten wood of the mansion to catch fire, so they left the structure standing.

After talking it over, the group came to some conclusions.  The note in the basement clearly indicated that Aldern was not working alone.  Someone had supplied him with his list of victims and directed him to perform the ghastly Sihedron ritual upon them.  Xer remembered back to the corpse of the Beggar King she had found that had spurred her and Li Kao's flight from Magnimar.  The room had smelled of death certainly, but it did not have that racid stench that they had come to recognize from Aldern's other victims.  Could there be other murderers?

And if there were, what business was it of theirs?  They had discharged their task and brought the Sandpoint murderer to justice, saving the sleepy little town from a string of homicides and potentially being overrun by ghoul fever.  But could they just leave the news of a potentially secret cult of murderers alone?  What if Magnimar was in for a similar fate as that planned for Sandpoint?  There were 16,000 people living there.  There were friends and family living there.

In the end it was decided that they would visit the city of monuments, maybe see if they could find any clues at Aldern's townhouse mentioned in the note, and decide on their next course of action based on what they found there.


"So, where to now?"  Malvick asked as they passed under the city gates and into the well to do Marble District.

OOC:  Most characters have ties within the city that you may want to follow up on before or during your search for clues into Aldern's patrons:
Malvick:  Your last employer still needs word as to his stolen money and the con men that took it from him.  Your deal was to recover the 200gp for him, of which you could keep 20% and make sure Mortwell, Hask and Tabe were suitably punished for their audacity.
Xer and Li Kao:  Your old abbey, that may or may not have tried to pin a murder on you is here...
Sasha:  Your mother, fat merchant step father, and brothers still live here. . . also, the gang that you fled from last year.
Yola:  Wow, you've never seen so many people all in one place before! People really choose to live like this?!

Also, the shopping is excellent :>  If There is anything your characters would like to purchase, just ask.  Its probably available.


Xerlena said...

"Old man we should probably check the Abby to see what is going on and if they fully sold me down river."

Turning to the others. "We should probably book a room or some place that we can all meet back. Take note of where everyone is going so that if things go wrong we can find people."

Malvick said...

Before leaving Sandpoint...


Malvick came to the door of the Sheriff's office quietly. The entire air around the town had changed since the death of the Skinsaw man; all the previous tension washed away. It was a nice change.

"Come in," Malvick heard from beyond the door.

Hemlock looked up from his desk, "Ah, Malvick. I could hear Ariva breathing behind the door before you even knocked!" Ariva perked up at her name. "What can I do for you. I hear you're all leaving for Magnimar. It's hard to see you all go but you're all doing a good thing."

"Thanks Hemlock. I'm just glad we got everything sorted relatively healthy. I had a question for you about some of the first victims. I need proof that Mortwell, Hask and Tabe were found dead... maybe a copy of death certificates? I needed to get money back for an employer from these poor chaps. I don't care if we frame it as a cult or something else. I'll leave that at your discretion, but I need something solid so the employer doesn't look for his money back. I didn't see any thing specifically labelled M, H and T, so as far as I'm concerned everyone from the party deserves the money. They all worked hard for it."

Hemlock winked, "I'll see what I can do."


James said...

Li Kao scratches his nose and runs a hand over his stubbly head. "hmmm...I have no interest in returning to the Abby, Xer. I doubt they've missed us or want to see is again but you do what you must. Be careful. I think I will poke my nose into the local constabulary and see if there have been anymore murders since last we were here."

OoC: Agreed. Let's all set up camp at the inn as home base. Li Kao will want to buy a small bell, chime or gong to meet the prop requirement for sound burst.

Sasha said...

Sasha nods to Xer. "That's a good plan. Though be careful which names you use when you rent ... some of us have reputations to look out for. "

Sasha gives Xer a serious look.

"I'm going to stop by my Mother's place. There's a few things of mine I didn't get a chance to pick up when I ... left. Besides, it's been too long since I've seen my brothers."

Sasha smiles " ... and if anyone wants to come with me and be my body guard for the day I promise to buy them a flagon of ale on the safe delivery on return from my family."