Friday, August 6, 2010

The party rents a couple of rooms at a pretentious inn and ale house called the Starred Buck.  The drinks are all overpriced and have overly complicated names, the staff are all surly and condecending, but the place is a magnet for rumours and gossip.

And the gossip on every body's lips is the string of grisly murders that have been plaguing the city in recent weeks.  Between Li Kao's visit to the local guard station, and keeping your ears to the street, you manage to glean the following:

The murder of the Pauper king was not the first such crime in Magnimar, but combined with the ensuing fire and armed chase, it was certainly the most spectacular.  The murder of several greedy gang bosses and drug runners in the weeks before were covered up by the local law as just "criminals killing criminals" - seven pointed star carved into their chest was quietly ignored.  But now the killings have spread out from the poor districts and can no longer be ignored.  Merchants, nobles, bankers, and  most recently the proprietor of one f the Lord Mayor's favorite gambling dens have all been found dead, and rumours of an entire cult of crazed madmen fill the streets.  Stories of merchants, politicians, crooked guards and moneylenders showing up dead - faces missing and seven pointed stars carved into their chests - are on everyone's lips. 

News of the Sandpoint murders has also reached Magnimar, as has the story of heroes from that town tracking down the murderer and bringing him to justice, fueling Magnimars citizen's angry demands for their own government to stop the slayings.  Unfortunately, it doesn't take long to discover that Magnimar's bureaucratic machine is badly in need of a tune up.  The Guard seems powerless to solve the crime.  They do have tight control over the crime-scenes though, and none of your inquiries get you anywhere close to them.

Of course what the guards don't know is the identity of the Sandpoint murderer, who seems to have been much sloppier than whoever is committing the crimes  in Magnimar, and who conveniently left you the keys to his townhouse here in town after getting pummelled, shot, and hacked apart by a certain group of vigillantes.

Malvick:  Hemlock provides you with a written statement swearing to the deaths of the three con men you were hunting.  When you take this to your employer, he grudgingly pays you half of the agreed upon sum, stating that while it is heartening to know that these villains have been brought to heel, without the return of the embezzled funds as agreed upon, he is in no position to pay the full reward. He does throw in two unusual alchemical arrows though as thanks for restoring his family's reputation as ones not to be trifled with ( 20gp and 2 Smoke Arrows have been added to Malvick's stash).

OOC Sasha and Xer:  If you would like to write scenes regarding your return home, I heartily encourage it, and I will play off them as best I can.  But  to keep the game on time in RL, I've also got to keep the main plot rolling, so I'll leave you to initiate these scenes - take them where you like  - just try not to kill anybody or burn down the town :> 


Sasha said...

Before Sasha leaves she gives her whip to Yola for safe keeping.

It took Sasha little time before finding her mother's home. The over-sized Manor was regal rich woodwork and spoke of wealthy occupants. It was something her father had never been.

Hiding in the alley she spied on the Manor. After an hour a pair of young men road up on horses. Sasha bit her lower lip. The younger of the two men dismounted from his horse and slipped on the mud.

Sasha laughed Jtalian had always been clumsy even as a child. The taller man she didn't recognize gave him a swift kick of his book. He brushed the blonde curls from his face and strode by Jtalian in the mud.

"Joxain, when did you become such an ass?" Sasha muttered himself.

"He's always been like that. Those are the merchant boys. Cruel and bitter are they." The voice was like gravel covered in sea salt.

Sasha turned to the old man. He was bow legged with had a face weathered like the seaside cliffs.

"I'm Grednal."

Sasha nodded and smiled.

"Nice to meetcha." said Grednal. "So what's your interest in the Merchant boys? Interested in making a quick coin? You won't get it off of them. Their father's fat and ripe and an ugly thing at that."

Sasha nodded again.

"They have something of mine I want."

"What would that be?"

Sasha bite her lower lip looking at Joxian as he dusted himself off.


Malvick said...

"The city guards haven't been helpful, but I'm in the mood for pillaging a house we have the key to. Who has the key to Aldern's townhouse and who wants to come along?

"If people need some time then I'm headed off to the local hunters guild."

Sasha said...

Sasha will attempt to break into the Manor during the evening and make off with any keepsakes of her father and find a way to embrass her step-father and mother.

James said...

"I will accompany you to Aldern's town house. I'm eager to search his place for anything relating to the Siohedran."
Li Kao prepares his tools of investigation and pats Malvick on the back. "Cults, especially those of the ancient variety, pride themselves on ritual. This makes it easier for us, as it means our killers must follow certain patterns of behavior. With any luck we should be able to discern where they intend to strike next. Or perhaps we can deduce where they are hiding out. You know investigation is as fascinating an art as magic. Did I ever tell you about the Case of the Albino Troll?..."
Li Kao prattles on as he walks off ahead of Malvick.

Xerlena said...

Sorry about my long delay I will put something together and post it.

Malvick said...

On the way to Aldern's house...

Away to Aldern's house we go

Feel free to post comments here in the future. This is just a fun second place for Malvick's adventures.

Xerlena said...

Xerlena takes to the rooftops as much as possible and sticks the back streets. ‘Ummm it feels so good to be home stalking the familiar streets and taking in the scents of home.’ She gives a passing wave to some of the old faces and takes a zigzag course to the monastery.

Stopping outside of the large buildings walls she takes in the sight and assesses some of the comings and goings. ‘Well walking through the front door is not the options that she wishes to take especially after going through all of the effort to not be spotted by any of the people who would report her presence. Time to pay a traitorous brother a little visit and get some answers to why they felt the need to lie sell her out.’

Using the secret way that for years she has used in and out of the monastery when she felt confined and needed to meet Sasha or sneak Sasha in for a night when things were hard at home. Another person in a robe really did not attract much attention at all. Sneaking into the structure she snatches up a rough brown robe and slips it on over her clothing pulling the hood over her head. With her face hidden in the cowls shadows she makes her way down the halls bypassing some of the more busy areas and providing the traditional greetings as she passes others.

Making her way into the private area of the upper brotherhood is not too difficult a task. She hits the singular hallway that separates the area from the rest of the ramshackle structure. A Single guard stands at the mouth of the hall counting prayer breads. This is a duty that the lower monks take cycles at she remembered her own turn guarding the hallway. It did not require one to be particularly skilled the primary duty was to keep young new initiates from the temptation to steal or snoop.

Carefully synching the robe tightly to her slight form she uses the corner of the hall she scales the walls until she is pressed up tightly to the ceiling. Pulling a Silver coin from her purse she tosses it down the hallway making it skip across the stone floors. The coin makes the tinkling sound that only money can make as it crosses the entrance to the hallway. The guard looks up from the prayer beads just in time to see the coin skip out of sight. With little thought the brother glances in the direction the coin came from. Seeing nobody present he turns and dashes off after the shiny bit of wealth.

Xerlena uses the distraction to silently drop to the ground and dash down the hall then around the corner. She makes her way through the private area. Her steps are a bit unsure as she is not used to this part of the building. Being her only once or twice before she tries to find the correct room.