Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jtalian pushed Sasha away gently.  "That's not fair.  I know father's death hit you hard - he adorded you, so you never saw the whole picture, and you were so young- but he'd to beat me and Joxian with the butt of his whip - to toughen us up for life at sea, he'd say.  Werner Heidmarch gave us a better life.  If it weren't for him I'd be hauling an oar for 2 coppers a day, or already be at the bottom of the sea with a pirate's shiv in my back  - just like father."

Jtalian stepped aside and gestured down the staircase.  "You should go.  Seeing you like... this . . . would break mother's heart."

1 comment:

Sasha said...

Sasha cocks her head to one side and listens.

"Father beating you with the butt of his whip is your excuse for letting Jtalian walk over you?"

Sasha fastens the satchel of silverware to her belt.

"I remember the people in town thinking of you so highly and now they whisper behind your back and call you Joxian's bitch."

Sasha shrugs.

"But as long as you're happy I guess that's all that matters. You are right: I should be proud of you. Rumor has it your new 'father' keeps you well fed, on a short leash and incredibly 'safe'.

Sasha inspects a bottle of some expensive liqueur on the stand in a glass bottle and feigns a higher knowledge of booze then she has.

"Father beat you and 'yes' its cruel and wrong. BUT .. he also was proud of you and respected you. I know this because he told me. He wanted you to be strong because he saw too often what happened to weak men."

Sasha takes a mouthful of the liqueur and spits it out with disgust.

"Father beat Joxian because he was a brat and selfish. The first born son gets it everything in the end. Do you honestly think when your folks pass on he will have your best interests at heart?"

"This is where you say 'no' and make some excuses and to convince me I'm wrong and I'll probably believe you. Who knows maybe you'll prove the people of this city wrong."

Sasha shrugs again and makes her way to the door.

"Two coppers isn't a lot of money. But if with a keen mind it's plenty to live off of. There's no shame in that.I'm sorry you think so poorly of everyone else who isn't wealthy now that you're able too."

Pausing before Sasha leaves she turns back to Jtalian.

"Mother doesn't have a heart to break. What she let Hemner do to me was far crueler than the butt of any whip. I've taken the whip and I promise you it will never harm anyone again. Let me know when you can tell me the same about our brother and 'your' father.

(Joxian is older)