Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brother Po awakens sudennly as something heavy lands on his chest.  He tries to cry out but finds a hand clamped firmly over his mouth.  The room is near to pitch black and he can't make out the face of the assailant perched atop him, knees pinning his arms painfully to the bed. But when she speaks, he recognizes the voice, giving him his second shock of the night.

"Good evening brother Po,"  Xerlina whispers, in a low throaty growl that threatens violence.  "You and I are going to have a little chat.  Its going to civil and quiet. I only have one question, and you are going to answer it truthfully, aren't you?"  The fingers of her other hand locks around Po's adam's apple.   The man sputters and manages to nod.  Xer slowly lifts her hand away from his mouth, and smiles when Po des not utter a sound.  "See, so far so good.  Now, why did you sell me out?"

"I didn't,"  Po begins, but Xer's smile vanishes and she tightenedsher grip on his windpipe.  "Gurrrk!  Not me!  Ameo... and... Ironbriar,"  he squeaks.  "Ironbriar is doing something in Underbridge; doesn't want anybody snooping around there - guess he thought you would find something you shouldn't.  He threatened the school, and Ameo thought it was better to cut you off than incur the wrath of a city Justice."  Po manages a weak smile.  "Glad to see you're alive."

"Yeah, sure you are,"  Xer says with a sneer as she strikes Po across the side of the head, sending him tumbling back into unconcsiousness.  She slips out the window and vanishes into the streets below, the discarded brown robe on the floor of Po's chamber the only evidence of her midnight visit.

1 comment:

Xerlena said...

Skulking silently down the back allys heading to the hotel. I am going to scout around the outside of the Inn to see if it is being watched. If I see nothing then I want to sneak in through the servants entrance and see if any of the others around. I think we are going to have to look into what Ironbriar is up to sooner than later. I suspect he might be involved in this whole sorded affair.

If nobody comes back in an hour or two then I will need to skulk my way down to Underbridge to see what he is trying to hide. I figure I will pick up a nice big dark overcloak on my way there. To go over my barely there skin tight leather outfit.