Monday, July 26, 2010

Malvick recoils from the foetid stench coming from Aldern's mouth as the ghoul looms in.  He drops his bow and steps back.  As he does, his trusty short sword leaps into his grasp and he stabs out, catching the ghoul a glancing blow. 

Xer dashes in again, trying to wrestle the Skinsaw man to the ground, but he bats away her attacks, laughing, "Oh ho! Couldn't wait for me, I see.  What enthusiasm!  You will make a fine addition to my pack."

His grin vanishes however, as Yola comes roaring across the room, kicking over a broken chair as she does.  "You bastard!" she screams as she chops downward with her blade.  This time Aldern is too slow to avoid the massive swing, and the blade carves a ruinous gash into his torso, splitting ribs.  The grin on Aldern's Sasha-face twists into a rictus of pain, and his spits through blood spattered lips, "Women!  Very well, both of you at once then."  He lashes out at Xer and Yola simultaneously, trying to spread his paralyzing filth to as many targets as he can.  His tactic catches the two women off guard.   Xer steps back, but not in time to avoid a long painful scratch from the claws on his left hand.  Yola parries a reckless swipe from Aldern's razor, but he pushes forward, sinking his fangs deep into her shoulder above her protective breastplate.

While both his opponents are wounded, he gamble fails as Yola and Xer fail to succumb to his tainted blows.  The wild attack left him exposed and surrounded, and Malvick, Yola and Xer close in for the kill.  Despite this, the Skinsaw fights like the fiend he is, turning away strike after strike, until finally Yola ends it, piercing him through the chest with her Shoanti warblade.  He twists like an impaled bug, his arms scrabbling weakly at Yola.  He spits and tries to utter a final curse, one more insult but has no breath, and collapses, finally lifeless.

As he expires, the mental link between him and the goblin ghoul that had been wrestling with Ariva snaps, and the craven creature  flees back up the spiral path.

Congratulations!  You have vanquished the Skinsaw man and brought his murderous rampage to an end.  And none of you died!


Anonymous said...


Damn his hide, Li Kao, can you heal us, and then let's get the hell out of the godforsken haunted house and burn it the ground.


Malvick said...

Occ: Congratulations on not totally dieing everyone!!

Malvick goes to check on his companion first and then turns his focus to the rest of the group if Ariva is otherwise fine (after some jerky).

Malvick said...

Malvick also started this journey to chase down treasure for a business man. Hopefully something shows up. His employer may not be as impressed with an empty handed hero.

James said...

Li Kao washes the party in healing light (uses remaining healing capabilities). "Yola, help me with Sasha's body. She is at death's door and we must get her to the priests.". Li Kao stood and looked over the Skinsaw Man.
"As for him..." Li Kao turned to his pupil Xer. "Burn him to ash".

Sasha said...

OOC: for the love gods can someone heal my poor sasha!