Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aldern darts forward and scores a long cut across Malvick's chest with a flick from his war razor, prancing from tow to to as if in a nobleman's duel.  "Ah, ha!" he shouts, pivoting for another slash.

Bu Malvick steps to the side, trying to open up some distance between him and the mad ghoul.  Avoiding Aldern's next swing he tries to fire two arrows at him from less than two feet away.  The close quarters make it dificult to draw back enoguh though, and the first shot skitters into the ground.  The second pegs the ghoul in the calf.  Aldern stumbles back against the cavern wall, a look of shock and disbelief on his face. "Ow!"

The Chantling Li Kao steps out of the corridor and Sasha seizes the momment of their foe's confusion, leaping forward, thrusting for Aldern's undead heart with the tip of her rapier.  Aldern squeals in fear at her attack and drops to his knees. spoiling Sasha's aim.  The point of her blade only scratches past Aldern's left should but he reactes as if struck a mortal blow.

"Please, no more!" he sobs.  "I'm sorry.  Please, help me, save me!"  Sasha and Malvick half lower their weapons, confounded atthis turn of events.  Aldern continues to beg.  "You have to save me before the Hurter comes back.  He is the one that made me do all those horrible things - him and the Brothers."


Back in the spiral cavern, Xer and Yola charge forward to meet the approaching undead goblins head on and protect their comrades rear flank.  Yola sticks close to the cavern wall, while the acrobatic Xer dances along the wet narrow edge of the path.  Xer reaches their foes first and strikes out with a sweeping fist, but the craven creature scuttles back, easily avoiding the blow.  Yola arrives a momment later, and fares no better, the small goblin ducking under her swing.  Emboldened by the human's lack of success, the undead goblins surge forward with bared fangs...

Malvick takes 8 HP from Aldern's initial attack.  Li Kao's Protective Wards will give all allies within two squares of him a +1 AC for the next three rounds.  Yola and Xer discover that Goblin Ghouls are much more difficult to hit than normal ghouls (small and squirmy). 


Sasha said...

Sasha raises an eyebrow and looks to Malverick. "Hurter and his brothers? You torture the towns people," She hisses at him, "murdered hard working people who did nothing wrong because of some sick infatuation and ... Seoni ..... WHAT YOU DID TO SEONI ... and this is your best defense!"

Sasha strikes out with her whip wrapping it around his neck squeesing it tightly.

"You who are without mercy: now beg for it? I thought your ilk was made of sterner stuff!"

Sasha holds Alderan fast and readies her rapier preparing to drive it between his eyes.


Sasha remembers playing cards with Seoni on their trip to Sandpoint and how they accidentally ended up fighting the goblins together. Deep in her memory she remembers over ale telling Seoni to spend sometime with the handsome noble as he fancied her and the the feeling of life drain from her as she realized her foolishness had sent her to a fate worse then death.

She other memories are tangled into them like cobwebs. Her father laughing and being replaced with the image of a terrible storm and a stranger baring bad news; Of her beautiful mother marrying a fat merchant and all the beatings she received at his hands.

She had been tough and survived after running away to work in the taverns but this required a different kind of strength: the kind that her father would be proud of.


Unless someone stops her Sahsa will kill Alderan in the next round.

James said...

Li Kao will attempt to use sense motive to determine whether Aldern is genuine or being duplicitous.
Alignment question for Greg: what would over ride a Lawful Good character? providing mercy to an enemy who begs for it or destroying an undead creature?
I'm thinking concepts of mercy don't apply to the undead who are diametrically opposed to Lawful Good characters but I'm unsure...grrr decisions...
Okay if Li Kao determines Aldern is genuine in his plea Li Kao will use diplomacy to convince Sasha to bind him with her whip rather than kill him.
"Sasha stop! Bind him! He may prove useful in our battle against the true origin of this evil"
If he determines Aldern is a liar or is unsure how to read him Li Kao will continue with his battle plan (outlined in previous post).

Greg Stewart said...

Re alignment question: tough call, you could argue it either way. Lawful Neutral would be all about justice. Lawful good could go either way.

Sense Motive: Aldern seems very sincere, but something is not right. His speech pattern and even his body language seem different than they did a momment ago.

James said...

Li Kao decides to follow his instincts in a split second decision.
"Sasha, Malvick! Quickly! Hold Aldern down, he's changing, the real evil that possesses him is rising up within him!" (will use diplomacy here if Sasha resists)

(If the two can bind/grapple Aldern down during his transformation Li Kao will attempt an impromptu exorcism using Channel Energy and Religion in an attempt to drive whatever evil force seems to be taking over Aldern.)

Sasha said...

Sasha hears Li Kao's voice and instinctively stabs Alderan in the foot with her rapier and tackles him to the ground.

"I should be slitting your throat right now. You better be poessed as it's the only reason I have not carving my revenge on the inside of your organs."

Sasha hisses as she grapples with her adversary being far from gentle.

Malvick said...

If Malvick believes Sasha has a good chance at winning a grapple he will aid her check. If not he will attempt his own grapple with Aldern.

James said...

OoC: Greg's last email worries me. If this all goes horribly wrong I'm going to blame Poot.'s because of Poot.

Xerlena said...

Hold my ground and use a single attack on the next creature.